Mysterious intruder - 11

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   Ray had just finished lessons with Powerloader in the support course and had nearly gotten kicked out after creating an explosion with Mei for the third time that week. It was only Tuesday and the hero wasn't very pleased with having to order a new and sturdier door due to them. Ray knew Nezu didn't mind but he wanted to stay on the teacher's good side so he was currently in the cafeteria eating some rice balls while the man calms himself down. Or at least, he was eating by himself until the hero course came in and Bakugo dragged him over to his table.

The blond was grumbling about him being the only decent nerd around and wasn't about to handle the dumb extras alone. Shinsou sat down in the seat next to him, "I see explosion boy dragged you over here too?" "Shut up mind fuck!" Bakugo barked out and Ray tried to hide a smirk at the image of him as an angry Pomeranian popped into his head. "Hey Ribro!" The energetic rock happily said as he sat down with his food and was soon followed by Mina, Kaminari, Sero, and Jiro. Ray quietly observed the chaos and his mind drifted back to the good times he had with his siblings at the orphanage. A soft smile fell into his face as he ate and suddenly he no longer heard the goofy idiots rambling on random topics.

   Ray looked up with a confused frown, "Why did you idiots grow quiet all of a sudden?" Bakugo begin choking on his bite of spicy curry at this and Ray ignored him and Kaminari shout of offense. "We hadn't seen you smile before, it's nice." Jiro shyly said as she fiddled with her ear jacks and Rays intelligently answered, "Oh..." which threw the entire table into laughter. Their laughter was suddenly cut off however, as a loud ear piercing alarm began to sound. Ray recognized it as the school's intruder alarm and barely registered the third year yelling about this never happening before and panicking.

   Extremely disappointed in the future generation of possible heroes's reactions to this situation, Ray looks to his classmates and is satisfied to see them trying to stay calm. "Try to figure out what is happening, I'm going to check Nezu's cameras." Ray ordered and Bakugo nodded at him before yelling at the extras to focus. With everyone idiotically trying to exit through one door and causing a massive jam, Ray was able to calmly walk out the other exit toward his mentor's office. Walking in, he was not expecting to see someone already inside typing furiously at the computer. They were dressed in all black with a hood covering their head and face and black gloves to most likely prevent any fingerprints from being found. Quickly coming to the conclusion that this person was somehow involved with the created panic, Ray proceeded with caution and pulled a knife he kept hidden in his shoe.

   The mysterious black figure suddenly freezes and slowly looks up. Ray cursed at himself remembering the camera Nezu has at the entrance of his office that revealed his location to the individual. Shaking himself out of his head, his breath hitches at the sight of a dead hand attached to this man's face so that all he can really see are his piercing red eyes filled with a malice intent. "Hey kid what the hell you doing here!? Guess I'll have to kill you!" He said sun a painful sounding scratchy voice and pulled his gloves off. Curiously he never touches his gloves with all five fingers as he pulls them off and Ray makes a mental warning in his mind to avoid letting this man get close enough to reach him.

   Ray steps back quickly as he lunges at him with his hand outreaches towards his face. His sudden movements throw his hood back and reveals pale blue hair and skin on his neck so dry that it looks ready to peel and bleed. Still not fully aware of his quirk but knowing it involves his hands, the man screams in fury and pain as Ray's knife slits across the palm of his hand. Using the man's distraction to his advantage, Ray punches the hand on his face and as it fell the intruder screamed out "How dare you touch him!!! Your death will be long and painful because of this!" He lunges again and this time manages to grab ahold of Ray's sleeve and his entire blazer disintegrated away. Stumbling back, now fully fearing for his life, Ray makes as much space between them grow and enters the hallway to have more room to evade life threatening attacks.

   Having dropped his knife during the panic of watching his blazer fall apart, Ray quickly pulls another knife from his other shoe and prepares for a very real life or death fight. As the murderous man continues to lunge at him, Ray thanks Aizawa in his head for training him on hand on hand fighting styles including with knifes as he uses it to push the man's hands away before they can touch him. At some point, the man manages to disintegrate his second knife and Ray has several close calls. The hoodie man smirks as his breath becomes heavier as his strength slowly weakens and lunges at him with both hands. Ray manages to push one away but the other just barely grazes his shoulder and his shirt becomes dust at his feet.

   At the reveal of various scars from injuries from the demon world are revealed, Ray grabs a third knife from the bottom of his shoe. The man had stopped attacking him after his shirt was destroyed and couldn't seem to tear his eyes away from his flower tattoo he had gotten placed over his numbers. "Oh so you are one of them!" The pale man taunts. This causes Ray to freeze for a split second as no one but the one government unit that discovered them was supposed to know about them. Using this moment to his advantage, the man pulls out a knife of his own to slash at him and Ray recovered from the shock too slowly. It slashed across his face and another soon got him in the chest. But feet could be heard running towards them and the intruder screamed "Kurogiri!" A purple portal appeared and took him away leaving an exhausted and injured Ray behind as the heroes reached them.

   Ray stood there heavy breathing, frantically analyzing the situation in his head and looked down when a soft paw touched his leg. Nezu looked up at Ray in worry as he had never seen the amount of scars Ray had and the other teachers held similar reactions to his body. Ignoring the stares, Ray told them what had just happened and Nezu pulled up the footage to watch and try to determine what the mysterious figure had been searching for. Once Nezu finished his search for the time being he looked up at Ray as he cleared his throat and mumbled, "I'm gonna need a new shirt and blazer now..." Nezu cackled at this and after sending Ray to be healed by Recovery girl, Ray then walked to class 1A with Aizawa to ask for a new uniform. He informed the man of his size and Aizawa pulled an extra PE uniform of his size out of his sleeping bag to toss to him.

   Ray caught it mid air and calmly pulled the shirt over his head as his classmates gap and stare at his scars and tattoo. "Rin, it is inappropriate for you to have a tattoo at this age!" Ilda said as he chopped his hand robotically. Pulling on the PE jacket over the tattoo and rubbing his hand over it, Ray let his eyes fill with the dull emotions he feels many times he thinks of his past and looks at Ilda. With no emotions he responds quietly, "Who said I wanted the tattoo?" Turning to Aizawa who is looking at him in worry, he says with a small smirk, "Thanks or whatever old man," and runs out to avoid being grabbed by the heroes scarf.

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