Training from hell... or not - 3

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   Aizawa prided himself in being a strick teacher as heroics was no joke. He didn't care if the students considered him a hard ass or called him a red eyed demon as long as they took heroics seriously. He preferred to consider it tough love but some self entitled brats these days are just too sensitive. So naturally when Nezu "asked" him to train Rin, he wanted to see just what was so special about the boy. With Cementos help, they created an intricate obstacle course to jump, climb, and crawl through to test his stamina in Gym Gamma. However they had no idea that this was a simplified version of the forest Ray and the other children played tag in so besides some bad memories, it was a breeze. Ray ran through it in record time and couldn't help but smirk towards the two teachers at the end before returning to Nezu's office with a lazy salute. He even did it several times before walking off without growing too winded to prove himself.

   Snipe heard of the boy's amazing speed and agility and wanted to test his ability with weapons. He was one of the many that wanted to get to know the teen and neither Nezu or Rin had a problem with another test. Rin arrived at Ground Omega with his hands casually in his pockets with a lazy smirk. Snipe had Ectoplasm's help as the man's clones were moving targets throughout the forest area. With the help of much experience in his past, Rin used a variety of weapons with both guns and bows. This was not difficult for Ray, in fact, he had a lot of fun knowing that Ectoplasm's clones weren't raging, human eating demons. He gave them credit where credit was due for their creativity though. They had attacked from all different directions in attempt to catch him off guard but his survival instincts were still very much intact. The added bits of an obstacle course in the trees even gave him a bit of an advantage with his balance due to his time from running around Grace Field in his younger days.

   PowerLoader then came around with a different and new type of challenge. He named several situations and only gave Ray a minimal amount of material to create a device to help him fix the problem. But Ray used his expertise from creating the tracker disabler to easily build quickly and efficiently having used much more unique gifts before. Learning how to create necessities from what only the wilderness provided helped as well. Hero thirteen was the most impressed by his ability to quickly adapt to many situations and wanted to try their hand at creating a test as well. Using their beloved USJ facility that Nezu had kindly build for them, they had him play out different senecios throughout the building. The flooding zone was the only area he really struggled in as he wasn't used to such weather but excelled in the rest again because of his past. He even got to have a little fun scaring thirteen by "recklessly" jumping around in the mountain range as they had no idea he had done such things before. They went as far as drawing angry red eyebrows on their helmet and Ray shakily nodded along as he struggled to hold back his laughter.

   Ironically it was around lunch time when Lunch rush jumped in and quizzed Ray on different recipes by giving him a list of ingredients and then letting him have free reign. Having cooked for large groups of children with much less he had fun being creative and even gave a small smile at the end which lunch rush secretly took a picture of. Midnight, Present Mic, and Vlad king were the last three heroes to test or even really talk to Rin and the first two were jealous. Vlad King really didn't care all too much as he was too busy thinking about how to make 1B better than 1A. Vlad king was a bit quirkist in the way that he believed unique quirks to be more superior as his class tended to have more uncommonly heard of quirks. Because of this, he foolishly bragged about his class being better than 1A. Due to Rin not dealing with bull shot from anyone, he quickly and loudly let the man know exactly what he thought of his incorrect opinion.

   Ray verbally ripped the hero apart for thinking that quirks were the only thing that made someone a hero and then proceeded to list several heroes that fought practically quirkless including Aizawa and Ectoplasm. Unknownst to him, his yelling could be heard throughout the hallways as the door was wide open and most of the heroes were quite pleased to hear what Rin thought of their skills. Aizawa even smiled but made sure to hide it under his scarf as he continued to walk down to hall. Ectoplasm was surprised at the mention of himself but Ray made a good point as while he could duplicate himself, he still needed the ability to fight well as his quirk gave him no extra strength besides in numbers. In the end, Ray and Vlad just had a glaring contest before Vlad nodded grumpily and glared as Ray walked off.

   Mic was quite proud of Rin for defending Aizawa and wanted to test his knowledge in languages. He was quickly impressed by his Japanese after only recently moving from America and quietly laughed as he ranted about how stupid and confusing English literature could be. He then proceeded to slam his head on the table and groan before apologizing for his outburst. Mic just laughed already liking Rin more than had thought he ever would and complemented him on his strong grasp on Japanese after such a short time. They then proceeded to discuss how Rin's  analyzation quirk actually helped him analyze and compare the two languages helping him quickly understand it before Midnight came in and decided it was her turn to bond with Nezu's student.

   Midnight was shell shocked when the quiet child knew very little about Art but was able to already use many types such as sketch, charcole, paint, and sculpting. So naturally, she insisted that he come to her after his lessons with Nezu to at least destress and have a little bit of fun with her. She smiled to herself as she saw him slowly relax and slowly grow more comfortable around her. By the end of the day, Midnight was insisting that she take him shopping for some new clothes and Nezu sent her a text confirming she could before she even got the chance to ask. Chiyo was off healing at a nearby hospital and she wondered what would happen when the retired healer meets Rin. The older woman loves nagging her coworkers about taking care of themselves and she doubts Rin will easily let her give him a checkup. Hounddog was out on patrol at the moment but she could easily see him chasing after the boy to try and convince him to talk the moment he smells the emotions surrounding the kid the entire UA staff was quickly growing to enjoy and care for.

Edited April 5, 2023

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