Reminiscing old memories - 5

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When Ray woke up, he was confused when he realized he wasn't lying on cold sand. He was on a soft bed and someone had pulled a fluffy grey blanket on top of him as well. But his thoughts were soon interrupted by a gentle knocking on a door.

"Rin? Are you awake?" He heard a slightly recognizable female voice ask. "Uh yeah" He unintelligently responded. He heard the woman laugh at his confusion and the door opened to revel Midnight sensei at the door. "Oh! Thank you for letting me sleep here miss Midnight but it wasn't necessary. I'm" Ray attempted to say he was just fine at the beach but Midnight didn't seem too happy. "If you are about to tell me I should let you continue to sleep homeless on a beach dump sight, you can forget all about it! You are staying here with me and that if final!"

Ray just gapped at her in shock for a few moments before Midnight's laughter shook him out of it. "Honey close your mouth you will catch flies, and please call me Nemuri. If you are going to be living with me you may as well call me by my first name." Having grown up with Emma and Gilda, Ray knew women no matter their size or age could be very stubborn and decided to just nod his head in agreement.

Midnight or Nemuri seemed to accept his submission eagerly as she gave him a big smile and told him breakfast was almost ready before leaving him in the room alone with his jumbled thoughts. With a sigh, Ray got out of the comfortable bed and walked over to the door where his clothes they had bought the day before sat waiting for him to put up. He shifted through the bag and picked out ripped black jeans and a black shirt with a striped black and white long sleeve shirt underneath tucked in with a belt. Guess Nemuri was already rubbing off on him with her self declared amazing fashion sense. He looked in the mirror and didn't look half bad.

Ray exited the room he assumed was now apparently his and followed the smell of freshly cooked pancakes downstairs into a kitchen. He quietly watched as Nemuri hummed a tune to herself as she flipped another pancake onto a growing pile. Not wanting to force her to do all the work, he made his way into the kitchen and insisted that he help set the table as a thanks and make a glass of orange juice for the both of them.

The pair quietly shared breakfast together as Ray once again thanked her for everything she had done for him and tried to bully his way into her giving him something he could do as a thanks. By the end of breakfast, Nemuri relented and told him he could help cook the meals and wash the laundry. What she didn't know was that in his Sapir time he was also going to tend to her small garden in the backyard and clean up the house for her when she goes on patrol as he had done all these things before at the orphanage and for him old habits die hard.

"By the way Rin, is it alright with you if Shota and Hizashi come over later? They wanted to get to know you better and are also mad at you for not telling them you needed a place to stay." Nemuri asked. Knowing that at least Hizashi would come over regardless he told her it was alright and decided to sketch his siblings in his room before they arrive. He missed Emma and Norman the most but at least they were free and happy now.

   He drew Emma first

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He drew Emma first. Ray drew the memory from the day him and Norman had complemented her on finally winning a game of tag again Norman. Ray had decided to read under his favorite tree instead of play but who was he to refuse a chance to make Emma smile. Her smile always seemed to make a day go by easier as he tried to forget all the siblings he had let be adopted while unable to help them.

 Her smile always seemed to make a day go by easier as he tried to forget all the siblings he had let be adopted while unable to help them

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He drew Norman next. It was from before any of them knew about the demons and they had been happily talking about their favorite subjects and books they had recently read in their ginormous library.

 It was from before any of them knew about the demons and they had been happily talking about their favorite subjects and books they had recently read in their ginormous library

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Lastly he drew Emma and Norman when they were younger. It was after they had discussed being adopted and the first things they would do. Emma being Emma wanted to ride a giraffe but Ray just wanted to be free. Norman just laughed at Emma and teased her for being so silly. Ray smiled and leaned back on his bed as a single tear slipped down his face. He really missed them and hated how he had spent his entire life knowing the truth. Even the good memories were quickly watered down when he thought about the truth. He honestly hated himself for not being able to plan much of an escape earlier. Maybe if he had Norman wouldn't have been experimented on or Emma wouldn't have had her leg broken by Isabella. His true mother or not he refused to call her mama anymore.

The sound of his door being opened broke Ray away from his darkening thoughts and he turned his attention towards the door. "Shota and Hizashi will be her soon, I was just coming in to check on you.." Nemuri paused as her eyes caught something. Ray followed her eyes and realized he had left his sketch pad open for her to see. "Are they your friends?" She quietly asked as she sat down at the edge of his bed. "No..." Ray whispered, "they are my siblings." Nemuri smiled at his clearly happy he had begun to open up to her. "What are their names if you don't mind me asking?" "The girl is Emma and the boy is Norman... we grew up together but separated when I decided to join Nezu here in Japan." Nemuri seemed to pick up on the emotional topic and patted his leg. "I'll leave you alone for now but come down when the guys get here okay?" Ray just shook his head and watched as she walked out. Maybe not living homeless would be so bad after all.

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