The chaos called class 1A - 7

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   Two weeks have passed and Ray watched as Nezu and the teachers finally finish all the acceptance letter videos. The most annoying ones to watch where with All Might as he respected the heroes strength and mission but hated how quickly he was to punch first and ask questions later. So when All Might freaked out during the first recording about how many video he had left to record, no one could blame him for not editing it out. After all, for all the heroes knew, Nezu made the final copy not Ray.

   When Nezu discovered what Ray had done, he just cackled as Ray had expected him too and couldn't help but crack a small smile at his mentor's actions. Eventually Nezu calmed down and they discussed his lesson plans for the future school year. On most days, he would spend most of class with Nezu learning advance college level subjects and some world history due to him being raised in a different world. He would also study quirk evolution and the different types including strengths and weaknesses which was quite fun in his book. Nezu also teased the boy about his lack in social skills in certain situations. Apparently running off or jumping into vents to hide when not knowing how to react was not acceptable behavior.

When not with Nezu which would be all of Friday, Ray would go to a different class throughout the day to get to know the students and develop analysis on them all. He would spend time with support course in the morning, business course until lunch, and general studies until the end of the day. As for the hero courses, Ray would go with them during some of their hero classes and to keep an eye on the lacking teacher skills All Might has as a safety precaution.

Next thing Ray knew, he was on his way to meet 1A and watch their quirk assessment test with Aizawa instead of sitting through Nezu's orientation speech. He was secretly happy he got to miss it because while Nezu is a great teacher, he loves to ramble and drone on and on to mess with humans every chance he gets. He listened to the sound of his shoes quietly echoing through the empty halls as he makes his way to the training field Aizawa is impatiently waiting for his class at and decided to make Nezu proud and scare his second favorite teacher. Nemuri is tied with Aizawa for second with Nezu in first. Hizashi was third due to the cockatoo like man being too loud all the time.

Ray silently observes Eraserhead from behind and begins to sneak up behind him. He keeps close to the ground and slowly makes his way towards his unsuspecting target. However he never reaches his final destination as Aizawa had been informed by Nezu that he was coming and had been in fully underground hero mode but wouldn't have picked up on it otherwise. Aizawa was quite impressed by the boy's skills but held a small smirk as he would be the one doing the scaring for the day, not the other way around.

He waited patiently until Rin was only a few feet behind him and spun around, eyes red, and grabbed him with his capture scarf. "Hello there Rin," not wanting to admit how close the boy had come to actually sneaking up on him he added, "did you really think you could sneak up on a pro underground hero that easily?" "Maybe.." The boy mumbled with a small pout on his lips as his shoulders slumped in defeat. Not wanting to completely destroy Rin's confidence, he patted his head before smirking and ruffling his hair. "Oi! Not cool Zawa!"

The two were then interrupted by 1A's chatter as they all loudly made their way towards the field oblivious to their surroundings. Wiping the smirk off his face and clearing his throat, Aizawa demanded his class's attention while Ray quickly fixed his hair to the best of his ability. "You all took 8 minutes to change and make your way here in what most can do in half that amount. Every second counts, wasting your time could be a life lost because you didn't get there fast enough." This quickly sobered up the class as Ray forced himself to not think of all his siblings lives that were lost due to all the time it took him to develop an escape plan.

Ray shook himself out of his moment of self hatred as Aizawa continued to explain to his class the tests he was about to put them through until a pink fuzzy alien claimed that it sounded like fun. Ray mentally flinched knowing Aizawa wouldn't take that well and sighed as the man responded with the threat of expulsion. A spikey red head that strangely reminded Ray of a shark then claimed that wasn't fair and Aizawa subtly nodded his head allowing Ray to answer for him.

"Not fair? Not fair!? Are natural disasters fair? Is abuse or people dying from villain attacks fair? Nothing in life is fair nor is it easy, if you haven't learned that after living for 15 years then you need to learn it quickly because it only gets harder from here on out!" Ray practically snarled. Aizawa was impressed by his response but worried about the mention of abuse while most of 1A just tried not to pee themselves at the cold look in Ray's eyes. "And who are you to tell us these things?" The blue haired robot asked as his arm stiffly chopped. "For your information Sonic I am Nezu's apprentice and I am here to develop an analysis on your quirks to help you improve them."

Most of the class snickered at Ray's sassy response before Aizawa took control again and had them start the tests. Ray observed and was quite impressed with most of them. Blasty boy was one his favorite along with human Kirby, the two toned emo boy, and the human version of a Minecraft table. His favorite part was when miniature Aizawa told Kirby to touch the baseball and then threw it gaining an infinity score like she had. At the end, the invisible girl got last place but showed potential so no one was expelled. Ray did however plan to keep a close eye on the perverted grape. All in all Ray could say his day went pretty well and he was happy to go home with mama-night and crash for the night right after dinner.

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