044 // Enchanted

734 33 22

Theodora's Point of View

There was a slight movement beside me that woke me up. I slowly opened my eyes and it took me a while to realize that I was still in the on-call room and had someone beside me. I slowly turned and smiled when I realized that Tricia was still beside me. 

I slowly put my hand up to look at the time on my watch, trying to make sure that the woman beside me doesn't wake up when I read the time.

6:17 am.

This means that we had about 5 hours of sleep, which would have to be the longest time I had slept straight. And since we were not really obligated to go to work that day, it seemed like they didn't page us. That or we were not really needed. 

I decided to just go back and snuggle closer to her. I was about to doze back off when I heard her phone ringing. So instead of going back to sleep, I gently shook Tricia awake. 

I watched as her mesmerizing eyes opened and we both made eye contact. She had a small smile on her face making me grin back. "Umaga na?" I hummed as she pulled me closer and we snuggled. "Good morning."

"Morning," I grabbed her phone from beside her and handed it to her, noticing that the caller was our landlady. "Danica is calling so I had to wake you up."

"Sige, sagutin ko lang, you could go back to sleep pa," she mumbled, gently grabbing the phone from my hand and standing up. 

"I'm gonna get ready na, we have rounds and then we could clock out."

Tricia nodded her head and sent me another smile before stepping out of the on-call room. I'm guessing she didn't go too far since I could hear her voice from the other side of the door, but I tried not to pay attention to it as I sat up and started gathering some of our things. 

I let my mind drift off to the past few days. Dad, Ate Pia, Kuya Thridy, Mom, the talks and thoughts of divorce, and... the doctor standing on the other side of the door who pretty much holds my heart. 

Lately, my siblings have been bugging me about finally making it official with her, and I am pretty sure that Tricia has also been sending me signals.

> > > > > Flashback < < < < <

"Ang cute nila ano?" Tricia said while nudging me as we both walked towards the side of the stage at one of the rallies. I looked up and saw a cute wlw couple (not wanting to assume their sexuality) holding a pride flag while holding each other's hands. "Mapapa sana all ka na lang. talaga."

I felt both my eyebrows raise as I looked at her, feeling both our shoulders touch as I guided her through the crowd. I noticed that she kept looking around, obviously avoiding eye contact with me, but I also noticed the small (almost invisible) smile she had on her face as she took a glance.

I hummed, a small smirk slowly appearing on my face as I continued guiding her through the crowd, my hand placed softly on her lower back. "Yeah... sana all."

> > > > >   < < < < <

There were a lot of little scenarios like that, but what really got me thinking was something that happened a few days ago...

> > > > > Flashback < < < < <

We were lounging in the Robredo's condominium, Tricia's phone was connected to the Bluetooth speaker as Ate Aiks was in the kitchen and Joe was in there helping her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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