017 // Mutual Pining

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Third Person's Point of View

Everything was back to normal between the two, Tricia wasn't jealous anymore (not that she would admit it to anyone) and she even joined in on the small planning for Rosa's wedding. Both of them because closer actually, but they would both still tell people they were best friends. 

They have come to the point where they would just barge into each other's apartment when they are bored. It started last April, back when Tricia's internet was down and she needed data to talk to her family.

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April 7, 2021

Tricia sighed frustratingly when Zoom couldn't even open. She has been trying to open the app for 15 minutes now and she is really starting to hate the shape circle. Wifi in the apartment is down and her data is also not working. She would go to the coffee shop nearby but then that would force her to spend money and order something. That is something she really doesn't want to do. 

Giving up after refreshing her router for the hundredth time, an idea popped into her head. The cellular service I got is TMobile and she had been telling me about how AT&T is better because of better signal and faster internet speed. 

I could get data from her.

Making up her mind, she made sure she was presentable before grabbing her laptop and charger and rushing to the elevator. Once she reached Teddy's apartment, she knocked on the door.

It didn't take Teddy long before she opened it, looking at Tricia confused, especially when she saw the cheeky smile she had on her face. "How may I help you today, Ms. Robredo?"

"I need to use your internet."

Teddy chuckled and opened the door wider, welcoming her into her apartment. "You want snacks?"

"Okay lang ako," Tricia said, knowing Teddy is not really big on bread and that is what she is craving now.

"I have bread."

Now that shocked Tricia, because last time she was here, Rosa said she didn't have bread and kept away from bread at all cost since she wasn't a fan. "Wow ha, may tinapay ka na ngayon."

"Diba sabi mo, favorite mo yung bread. So I bought some," Teddy shrugged, going to the kitchen to get the bread she bought yesterday when she was at the grocery.

Tricia couldn't help but grin. Wow naman, bumili kasi favorite ko?

When Tricia finally was able to enter the Zoom call, she was happy. Relieved to see the faces of her family. They were all in different parts of the world and she was missing them more than she usually did.

The moment she entered, her sisters cheered making her roll her eyes but smile at them. Jill was in her dorm, Aika was at the dorm, and VP Leni was in her office. The moment Tricia entered, Aika and JIll were squinting at the screen.

"Ate, nasaan ka? Hindi mo yan apartment eh, mas mukhang astig."

"Patty, why are you in Teddy's apartment?"

Jill's eyes went comically wide while VP's head snapped at the screen of her laptop, noticing that her middle child really wasn't in her apartment. 

Helpless I Tricia RobredoWhere stories live. Discover now