The Blast from the Past

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"Class 12 C. It stinks." Mark said as he entered our class seeing Mr.Wang and the teachers have stepped away for a meeting. Why was he here again? I looked at Suno worried while he didn't even bother to get up from his peaceful shut-eye, which he had every now and then between classes.

"Ah ain't this our gopher?" Mark said, engulfing Nick in his bone-crushing hold, while he struggled. "You must miss us, since you got sent to this awful section, right."He asked, looking at him daring to defy. When Suho got up abruptly and walked back to the trash can behind him, it was his duty to take the trash out today. This was good, it's better if Mark stays away from Suho.

Mark spotted him and rushed between the door and Suho before he could get out.

Leave him alone for fucks sake Mark! I slammed my head on the desk, willing to cry out of frustration and worry.

"You must be the infamous bully newbie, right?"He grinned showing his teeth, and I wanted to break each one of them. I looked worriedly at Suho, who just blinked at him and walked away with the trash can. Mark scoffed, annoyed getting ignored like that.

He tried to grab him from the back but Suho was faster and managed to dodge him, making Mark lose his balance. He tried to grab onto something not to fall but to his bad luck, the thing he grabbed on was the trash can Suho was holding, making it slip out of Suho's hand and land on Mark who was already on the ground.

My heart sank- there was no way Mark would let go of this, even if it wasn't Suho's fault at all.

Mark got back on his feet, and his face turned red because of anger and embarrassment. He was humiliated in front of the whole class, and everyone except Suho, me, and Mark himself was trying their best not to burst into laughter.

"YOU!"He yelled, pointing at Suho, who stood there not reacting at all. "I WILL MAKE SURE I TEACH YOU A LESSON FOR WHAT YOU DID TODAY!" He yelled before making a quick exit slamming the door behind him. "But I didn't do anything?" Suho said, confused, and I realized not only Suho has a Sexy and cool face but he could be heart-meltingly cute as well.

Suho simply hated mess, he could only be at ease when things were organized. That's what I learned from my days of observing him. So the way he looked at the mess on the floor was understandable, he sighed loudly before getting down to put the trash back into the trash can.

Maybe I should apologize now, I got down to help him clean. "About the rumors-" I said avoiding looking at Suho. "I know- I heard it all. I was at the canteen." He said staring right into my eyes making my heart do a flip, he really made me so nervous that I could die.

"It wasn't your fault." He added as he got up finally the floor clean, and left the classroom- making me fall back on the ground, having jitters all over.

This was the longest conversation we have had after a year.


My heart pounded as the bell rang, I was sure that Mark must be there at the entrance willing to pick up a fight with Suho. I was wracking my brain this whole time to figure out how to avoid the situation, I turned just to find Suho's seat already empty.

Cursing under my breath I ran out swinging my bag above my shoulder. "Yah!" I could hear Ren calling out for me but I didn't have time to explain the situation to him.

Luckily I found Suho near his locker, folding his jacket. He kept the jacket inside his bag before he unbuttoned the first button of his shirt, slipping his two fingers in the loop of his tie he pulled it making it loose enough so that it could be removed easily. I gulped hard as I could feel my cheeks flush, I quickly turned away trying to calm my heart down.

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