Part 13

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Disclaimer again- this is made up and not things I believe to have happened. 

Hope you enjoy.


Hyunjin POV

"I don't want to eat it!"

Hyunjin woke up by Felix's raised voice that rung out through the whole dorm. He sighed and hid his face behind his hands as Minho's yelling followed.

"I don't care what you want Felix! Open your damn mouth or I'll do it for you!"

Hyunjin quickly jumped out of bed, not caring about his half clothed body as he ran for the door. He loved Minho, but his patience with the other wasn't always the best and he knew that his threats rarely were empty.

He reached the kitchen same time as Chan who looked like he had ran directly from the shower. He still had shampoo in his hair and the towel was wrapped loosely around his hips. He headed straight for Minho who was standing over Felix with a furious expression, meanwhile Felix was returning his gaze with watery eyes and tight lips.

The untouched plate with eggs and toast was standing between them.

"We have been here for over half an hour" Minho exploded, turning to look at Chan when he pulled him away from the other.

"I don't care" Chan answered looking back and forth at both of them. "I don't ever wanna hear you raise your voices at each other."

Hyunjin moved to pull Felix into a hug, but the younger pushed him away and stood up. "You're all treating me like a kid! I can take care of myself."

"You have yet to prove that" Minho growled, starring daggers at him.

Chan shot him an angry glare before looking back at Felix. "I need you to calm down and sit back down" he asked, but that only seemed to infuriate him.

With a scream of frustration he bolted from the room before anyone could stop him. Chan was the first to react and reach for him, but Felix was small and quick. Chan and Hyunjin stormed after him, passing a confused Changbin who only just had woken up, before both smacking into the locked bathroom door where through Felix had disappeared.

Hyunjin had to use all of his will power to not start banging violently on the door.

"Felix" he called, trying to sound calm. "-please come out."


Hyunjin cringed at the sheer frustration and panic in Felix's voice.

"We just want to help. Please come out" Chan tried, but he barely got to finish his sentence before Felix yelled back.

"I-" he kicked the door violently, "-don't..." he did it again, "-want to." He finished up with another kick followed by a yelp of pain making Hyunjin jump slightly.

He didn't know what to do. He looked to Chan for help, but it was Minho who stepped forward. He looked like he had regained most of his usual calm back as he leaned closed to the door. "I'm sorry I yelled at you. I didn't want to press you" he apologized in a very rusty English, but Felix was too far gone to hear him. He no longer kicked the door, but they could hear him pace around in there hitting various objects.

"You don't understand! You don't understand! Why can't you just leave me alone? You have no right to force me to do anything!"

Hyunjin couldn't take it anymore. Months of frustration burned in him like fire and he couldn't be patient anymore. He was scared and tired, and he couldn't listen to this a second longer, fearing what Felix was doing just on the other side of the door that stopped him from protecting the guy he was in love with.

"No you don't understand!" he yelled back, hitting the door with his hand. "-We do everything for you, spent hours on hours arguing with you every day to protect you, and you don't fucking care. You make this all about you. You're fucking selfish Felix!"

Even Minho looked shocked. Chan gripped Hyunjin's arm and pulled him back. But he wasn't looking at him. Instead he looked at the door. It had gone quiet. Felix had stopped pacing on the other side. It even sounded like he had stopped breathing. It was so silent, and Hyunjin thought he had hated the sound of the screaming...

"He is actually right" a tiny voice said behind them.

Hyunjin turned to see I.N. stand nervously with the rest of the boys behind him. "You don't understand."

Hyunjin felt his anger rise once again and took furious step towards the younger. "How dare you? I have been by his side through all of this."
I.N. faltered, stepping back in fear, before talking hurriedly. "You weren't there and Felix made me promise to not say anything" he explained, looking at Seungmin behind him, but he looked just as confused as the rest of them.

"It was the stylists. They were there for the photoshoot remember?" I.N. continued. "-Apparently they talked with JYP afterwards, because he went to talk with Felix while I was there. He told him that they had decided that if Felix couldn't lose the weight they had asked, they were going to consider surgery for his jaw and cheeks."

Nausea hit Hyunjin like a fist in the stomach.

"They can't mean that?" Minho's face was practically as red as their outfits in Thunderous as he looked at I.N.

Chan turned back towards the bathroom door with a solemn expression. "Felix, we need to talk about this."

It was like everyone in the hallway were holding their breaths, waiting for some kind of sign of life behind the door. It was so quiet. So damn quiet.

Hyunjin finally breathed out in relief, when the soft click from the lock filled the air. He jumped forward, reaching his hands out.

Felix slowly stepped out, looking like a mess. His hair was unruly and his eyes were red and puffy. But he didn't cry anymore. He looked shameful and couldn't meet their eyes as he slowly closed the door behind him and leaned up against it.

"I'm sorry" he mumbled. "-I'm sorry I didn't say anything."
Hyunjin couldn't answer to that. He was angry at Felix for not telling him, but he couldn't find it in him to act on it now. Instead he reached out to pull the younger into a tight embrace. He immediately felt relived, holding him in his arms.

"I really don't want to get surgery" Felix whispered and looked up at Hyunjin's face. "So please, please let me lose weight."

He looked so sad and pleading, that Hyunjin couldn't say anything. He just nodded. He had no idea what else to do.

A relieved smile spread on Felix's lips as he rose to his toes to kiss his boyfriend on the lips softly, making Seungmin and I.N. looking away with a slight blush.

"So that's just it?" Minho asked, still looking furious, in his own controlled manner. "-we're just going to give up and let him starve?"

Chan didn't look happy either, but he also looked like he had given up. "It's up to Felix I guess."
Minho snorted and made to pass them. "I'll go throw out the untouched breakfast then."

Felix looked so relieved that it almost was funny. He clung to Hyunjin, smiling as if he had been handed a puppy and not the opportunity to go back to starvation, but Hyunjin could only allow it... for now.


Hyunjin had to admit, that it was easier being in a relationship when he didn't have to force his boyfriend to eat multiple times a day. Felix even seemed happier- tired of course, but happier. He had begun playing around a lot more, goofing around at practise and being his usual cute self. Hyunjin kept on falling deeper and deeper in love. He wanted to be with him every hour of the day and when they were alone he wanted to kiss him until they couldn't breathe anymore. They rarely had time off to just be together, but just sleeping with the other pressed into his chest filled Hyunjin with a happiness he couldn't describe.

That he had to ignore the way Felix always disappeared to the bathroom after eating or the way he spaced out from time to time, so be it.


Thanks for reading! 

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