Part 12

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They finally get to be alone...


Hyunjin POV

Hyunjin was beyond nervous as he watched the other guys leave the dorm. Chan had come up with some lie, leaving the Hyunjin and Felix as the only once back. Hyunjin didn't know what it was, but even Seungmin looked excited so Chan had probably found something fun for them to do.

Hyunjin practically jumped when the door to the living room swung open and a barefooted Felix waddled in, fresh from shower. His hair was still wet and he wore loose sweatpants and an oversized sweater. Hyunjin couldn't believe that it was legal looking that cute, but here he was- the angel himself.

He blushed at his thoughts and tried to meet Felix's eyes as he looked at him in confusion.

"Where are the guys?"

"Left" Hyunjin told and cleared his throat. "-they had stuff to do."
"So it's just the two of us?" Felix asked.

Hyunjin nodded, trying to read the expression on Felix's face. It wasn't hard to do. A sweet smile spread on his lips and he quickly went forward to sit down on Hyunjin's lap, making the older let out a shaky breath as their lips met. Hyunjin instantly felt the heat he had felt all day, return to his body. Felix's fingers curled into the front of his shirt and pulled him closer meanwhile the smell of his shampoo engulfed him. Hyunjin just wanted to push him back on the couch and taste every bit of him, but instead he tried to push him away softly.

"We need to talk" he mumbled, trying to convince himself as much as the other.

Felix was already slightly out of breath and his eyes had instantly become nervous. "Okay?"

Hyunjin cleared his throat meanwhile Felix slowly backed out of his lap and sat down beside him. He felt incredible nervous, but he didn't know why exactly.

"I like you Felix. Like, really like you" he began, already feeling better after seeing the smile return to the others face. With more confidence he continued. "-I want to do this right. I want to talk first to make sure we want the same thing."
"Okay" Felix repeated.

A slight blush had crept to his cheeks and he looked down at his sleeves. Hyunjin all of a sudden he felt nervous again. Had he misunderstood something? Wasn't this what Felix wanted after all?

"So, what do you want Felix?" Hyunjin asked as softly as it was him possible meanwhile shaking slightly.

Felix shrugged. "I don't know."
"That's not true. I know that you know. You have played with me all day" Hyunjin pointed out, tilting his head slightly.

Felix blushed even deeper, moving uncomfortable on the couch. "You're going to tease me."

"Is it about this morning?" Hyunjin asked.

Felix shrugged, still not looking at him. "Not only that. It's embarrassing."

Hyunjin felt butterflies erupt in his stomach as he tried to keep his cool. He had an idea about what Felix wanted and he seriously hoped he was right, because he wanted that as well. He had dreamed about it all day to be honest.

"I can begin?" he suggested.

Felix nodded quickly, finally finding some courage to look up at him.

Hyunjin bit his lip trying to think as those eyes stole his breath away. He cleared his throat again and tried to keep eye contact as he began.

"I want you to be a good boy and let me use your beautiful body. I want to own you and control you and I want you to take whatever I offer you" he explained slowly, keeping a close eye on the other to try and read every expression.

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