Part 4

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Welcome back for some Hyunlix. There's a slight time skip. It's after their debut now.

(Usual disclaimer- read in part 1)


Hyunjin POV

Hyunjin looked up from his phone when Felix entered his room. He hadn't heard the door swing open, but the soft waddling footsteps were a giveaway.

A soft smile spread on his lips at the sight. Felix was wearing a way too big sweater in light blue colours, and he looked incredible sleepy. A sweet smell followed him, as he lay down on the bed at Hyunjin's side and cuddled as close to him as possible. His soft hair tickled Hyunjin's chin and the weight of Felix's legs over his was more than welcome.

"Have you finished listening to your podcast?" Hyunjin asked, putting away his phone, so he instead could wrap his arms around the other.

Felix nodded sleepily. "I did, but it was hard. I think I will try one more time later."
Hyunjin furrowed his brows in concern. "Later? It's already past midnight. You can't learn when you're about to pass out."

"That's why I'm baking at the same time. It helps me stay awake" Felix explained in a tired, mumbling voice. "-obviously I won't eat it" he quickly added with a hint of embarrassment.

Hyunjin felt a sting of pain in his chest and he softly began stroking the others back. "I don't care if you eat some. Personally I would like if you ate some. You know I don't support this."
He could feel Felix tense up and quickly added- "I support you. I just don't like that you have to lose weight, my little Pixie."

Felix chuckled silently, yet again feeling calm and sleepy in his arms. "It's fine really. It's not as bad as I had feared."
"That wasn't what you indicated yesterday when you were drooling at the thought of fried chicken."

"I wasn't drooling."
Hyunjin poked his side with a smirk. "You were."

Felix lifted his head to look up at him. They were incredible close. Hyunjin could count every tiny freckle on the other boys beautiful face. He couldn't believe that someone wanted to change something so perfect. He felt butterflies erupt in his stomach at the sight of those full lips, small nose and those eyes that always held a sparkle.

"You're very handsome Yongbok."

The spark in Felix's eyes grew stronger as he smiled, showing of his white teeth. It was a contagious laugh, and Hyunjin felt his own face lift in a smile. He couldn't help but to lean down and plant a soft kiss on little nose in front of him.

"It's hard isn't it? Everything. I thought it would be better when we debuted, but it's still so hard. You're still working as hard and bound by that stupid diet."

"You're working hard too" Felix pointed out.

"We're all working hard" Hyunjin continued thoughtfully. "Sometimes I think it's too much, and at the same time I wanna do even better."
"I know."

Felix's answer was quiet. "For stay."

Hyunjin couldn't agree more, and yet he still had his concerns about the boy in his arms. He pulled him closer at that thought. He always felt like this when hugging him. He never wanted to let go.

"The cookies!"

All of a sudden, all the sleepiness was gone from Felix's voice when he jumped up. He almost elbowed Hyunjin in his face when he sprung to his feet and ran out the room.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes and got up more slowly to follow him.


Hyunjin felt quite pleased with himself as he entered Stray Kids practise room the following day. In one hand he had Felix's fingers entwined in his, in the other he had a badge of cookies. Quite a lovely way to start off a day.

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