xvi. neurodivergent reader

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as you can see this was requested by the lovely hepnerslovebot !!

for anyone who doesn't know, a neurodivergent person is someone who is differing in neurological(mental) function from what is considered normal. the most common neurodivergencies are autism, ADHD, ADD, dyslexia, and tourettes.

-he's never had experience with anyone who wasn't neurotypical but as soon as he found out you are he did a shit ton of research on ways to help/support you 🫶🏼🫶🏼

-knows all your triggers and helps u with healthy coping mechanisms

-he has kind of a sixth sense for it yk,,

-like if y'all were out somewhere and you started getting overwhelmed/overstimulated he would immediately remove the both of you from the situation and help you calm down

-he helps educate the people he knows so they're aware of whatever it is you struggle with and they're not ignorant/harmful <33

-would sit there for HOURS while you rant about your current hyperfixiations/obsessions. he loves the sound of your voice when you get excited and he knows you physically need to talk about it

-if you mention a special interest that he doesn't know about he immediately learns about it so you feel comfortable talking to him

-if you ever feel burnt out/exhausted he will gladly help you with ANYTHING. say the word and it is done. (like helping you read and write for the dyslexic homies 💪💪)

-basically the most supportive person EVER and everyones ideal bf



𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒 , walker scobellWhere stories live. Discover now