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I woke up to my head throbbing because of how much I drank yesterday night, it was a freezing morning. South Korea is getting colder day by day, so I ran upstairs quickly to get a jacket before making coffee. They are still dead asleep, the alcohol aroma is everywhere. Some of the maids are already awake moving quietly so Seventeen can still, Dino is the first one to wake up while Hyung is still asleep.

"Good morning," I said. "Here is some ginger and tea for your headache." Slowly everyone woke up one by one looking confused and tired, the maid took out their perfume to mask the alcohol smell. "How is everyone feeling?"

"My head hurt," Dk said. "It's Hoshi Hyung, he dares me to drink a full bottle of soju."

"Well you listen to me," Hoshi said and they argued again.

"It's too early to argue," I said. "How much did we drink yesterday night?" I remember nothing and what we do, I just know I was very drunk because of Joshua and what he did.

"I don't remember," Scoup said. "I was dead asleep."

"I know what happened," Woozi said. He was the only guy who didn't drink at all, drank tea and water the whole time. "A lot happened yesterday night, for the first time I tasted soju and it was not good." No one had any plans today and I decided we should spend quality time with each other. Vernon suggested an amusement park but some of us aren't fully awake and still have a soju effect.

"Let's just hang out around the park, that would be fun too," I said. "So we all agree to go to the park?"

"Yes, is your cat leash train?" Wonwoo, ask. "I want to walk one but first let's change clothes."

"They are all leash trains except for Dior and shua," I said. Everyone went to change and wear winter clothes, I stole hoodies from Joshua without him knowing anything. "Let's go, Joshua I stole your hoodies." He said nothing and just looked at me, Joshua is nice when it comes for me to stealing his clothes.

Wonwoo put a leash on Dark and Xiao while I put Dior and Shua in a trolley. It takes time for the cat to get used to the leash and how it works. This is kinda awkward since I'm not pushing a child but pushing two baby cats. I know someone is going to ask me how old my baby is.

"You two are a cute couple, how old is your baby?" the stranger asks. "Are these your children too?" It got awkward real quick, Shua started meowing so the stranger awkwardly smiled and walked away.

"That was weird," Joshua said. "I can't imagine having Scoup as my child." We all laugh at how sulky Scoup is and how Jeonghan got shy after hearing that. "Let's keep walking around." I saw a waffle stand and went to get some, Xiao and Dark love waffles.

"Waffle for breakfast," Joshua said. "Dark love waffle." After eating breakfast I continued walking around the park, the chilly wind hit my face. I wonder when it will snow but it might snow when I'm in the US, getting closer to the day I'm going to leave for the US. "Yeonhwa, I will miss you when you are gone."

"Don't cry, it's going to be okay," I said. "It has been a long time since I went to check on my business."


It is not even close to Christmas but the wind is already cold. This is my first year getting to spend Christmas with someone I love but Yeonhwa is scheduled to leave before Christmas. I don't want to be lonely again but her job is important and I don't want her to lose her good position. Yeonhwa was playing her game in my room while eating a snack. I sneak attacked and kissed her on the neck.

"Joshua," she said. "I can't play with you kissing my neck." I get closer and closer to her feeling everything that I want to feel before. "Joshua, I'm not ready to do it." I went to lie down, I don't want to force her if she doesn't want to do it. "Joshua please don't be mad, I'm not ready to be a mom yet."

"It's okay, my parents aren't forcing you either so we still have time," I said. "Should we go shopping for winter clothes?" Her face lit up when she heard the word shopping, some Seventeen members came along but others were too lazy. "Let's go get matching clothes." Wonwoo went to a gaming station since he needed another game to play, and Mingyu went to the athletic store while I and Yeonhwa went to a couple of stores.

I want to get something for Yeonhwa before she leaves for the US and something we could remember each other like a matching key chain or clothes, after walking around for a while there is something that caught my eye and Yeonhwa liked it too. It was expensive but it was okay. This is for my memory with her and it needs to be pretty while lasting long. Wonwoo and Mingyu already bought a bunch of stuff. Even though Yeonhwa got some new clothes. When I look at my watch it is already 3:00 pm. I have been shopping around for 5 hours.

"You went shopping for 5 hours without me?" Seungkwan asks loudly. "I can't believe you."

"You were sleeping when we left and Yeohwa said to not wake you up," I said. "Next time I will take you along."

"Did you buy the whole mall?" Dk asks. "If you take me along I could shop for more than 5 hours."

"You can, Hyung, you love shopping like a girl," Vernon said. "You and Yeonhwa can be best friends."

"We are best friends," Yeonhwa said. "Right Dk?" I laugh before putting the stuff I bought away, another chit-chat day for Yeonhwa. "There is something I'm working on for everyone here, it will be done soon."

"Joshua!" Scoup yelled. "Sae and his team are back, they want to kidnap Yeonhwa."

"Call everyone to the place including Nct, Ateez, Jaehyun's team, and Kihyun Hyung," I said. "Yeonhwa, let's go. You need to come with us, I can't keep you here." I could feel she was very scared but I will risk my life to protect her no matter what even if I get injured badly, she will be a successful first girl mafia boss and one day take over my company. 

(I know it boring right now but I promise it will be more interesting soon.)

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