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I woke up to be laying next to Joshua, he look so pretty when he sleeping. My mafia test is getting closer day by day I'm not ready but Scoup said he for sure I can pass, Shua jump on the bed and woke Joshua up.

"Good morning," I said. "Don't you have work?"

"I do but being a boss I don't have to come early," he said and went back to sleep.

"Joshua, I heard something strange downstair," I shook him harshly. He sat up and look at the camera his phone, his reaction changed when he saw someone doesn't belong here. "Scoup texted me to stay put, he already order maid to not get out of their room. Daehyun will come soon."

Joshua told me to grab my stick while he grab his gun, if anything happen I can defend myself. He told me to follow him behind closely and stay quiet, when we got to the last step the guy was nowhere to be seen. Maybe left but to our surprised he hid in a corner and took Joshua out leaving me behind but I know how to defend myself, Scoup try to stop but the guy is too powerful.

"Look who I have here," the guys said. "My name is Yoon, I'm Daehwi's boyfriend. She left her husband for me."

"Let Joshua go, he did nothing to you," I said angrily. "I don't care if Daewhi left her husband, she never care about me."

I don't know what he want but every minutes passed he cut deeper into Joshua's arm, I raise a gun toward Yoon but Daewhi somehow got in stop me.

"Don't shoot my boyfriend," she said. "I don't care if your husband is injured, my love can't be hurt." Scoup didn't hesitate to raise his gun toward Daewhi, Daehyun came and he ready to arrest Yoon. I kick Yoon hard in the stomach making him grown in pain but I save Joshua from losing too much blood, Daehyun successfully arrested Yoon and a guard take Daehwi away.

"Joshua, can you hear me?" I ask. "Keep holding on, the ambulance almost here." On the way to the hospital a news went up, somehow news reporter know what happen to Joshua.

Breaking news: Mafia boss Joshua is severely injured in order to protect Yeonhwa from Yoon's attack, he in a terrible condition doctor said his cut and bruise was deep and big.

Joshua went to surgery immediatly, I cry nonstop even Seungwoo bringing my favorite couldn't stop my tear from falling. I know Joshua wasn't being a good husband to me before but I still love him no matter what, the doctor went out and said his surgery was success but Joshua still in critical condition.

"The cut on his arm is very deep, he might lose ability to use the arm," the doctor said. "Also from the x-ray and his previous medication condition this event might affect him forever. You can go see him."

I hug Seungwoo while crying, I have to leave for the US soon and I can't leave Joshua in this situation. He lay in pain on the hospital bed, I wish I was laying there no him.

"Joshua, if you can here me," I holding his hand while crying. "I'm sorry about my sister, she rude." I rest my head on his arm and fall asleep.


It was late a night when I woke up in the hospital, Yeonhwa was sleeping on my arm. She look so pretty while sleeping that I couldn't help but kiss her passionately.

"Joshua you are awake," she said happily. "I go call the doctor." The doctor came to check on him everything was normal as expected, I could tell he have a hard time moving his right arm. "Jeonghan and Wonwoo are here and some other seventeen members I haven't met."

"This is Vernon, Hoshi, and The8," I said. "They mostly stay at Seventeen's second headquarters." Yeonhwa was sitting on the couch while we have our mafia conversation I want her to hear this thing so that when she co-mafia then she know what to do, after talking for a while I sat up trying to move my arm but it hurt a lot.

"Joshua, the doctor said you can't move your arm a lot," she said. "You need therapy for that." I sigh when hearing I need therapy, everything that I do as a mafia will be ruined and I have to depend on someone but Yeonhwa can take over for me until I'm fully recovered.

"Yeonhwa, when I'm in therapy for my arm can you take over for me?" I ask. "Scoup will be there if you need help."

"But I need to take an extra test for Mafia boss," She said.

"No need, I can promote you to temporary mafia boss," I said. She smiles happily at me, 2 more days until I get to go home. Staying in the hospital is boring but at the same time they have nice food here. "Can you call Scoup? You need to go home and rest. I will be fine."

Jeonghan is driving her home so I'm not worried, Scoup was worried about me. He even said we need extra security.

"How don't know how Daewhi and Yoon got in," He said. "We need to be careful about Daehwi."

"And Yeonhwa needs extra protection," I said. "It feels like they are coming after her."


Seeing Yeonhwa happy makes me feel sad. I shouldn't have let her go but I screwed up and now she is married to my best friend. I remember we used to be really close and everything we do is always together, I did plan to marry Yeonhwa.

"Jeonghan, are you okay?" She asked. "You look sad."

"I'm fine, Joshua wants you to rest so don't study," I said. "I can hangout with you if you want."

We sat in awkward silence until my vampire urge appeared. I tried to control it but it was too late. Her sweet blood touched my fang, Joshua wouldn't mind I took her blood since Scoup already did it and Joshua said nothing. Since the day we separated, this is my first time ever I get to hug her so tightly, I still have feelings for her no matter what happens.

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