"Okay, the battle pairs will be listed on this board for round one, in order to win: get your opponent out of bounds, be unable to move, give up or pass out," Aizawa explained.

The first round went pretty quickly and easily, and the winners are: Midoryia, Ashido, Asui, Urakaka, Todoroki, Jirou, Katsuki, Tokayami, Kirishima and Iida.

Then Izuku fought Ashido who got pressure pointed because he teleported behind her. The winners for round 2 are: Midoryia, Urakaka, Todoroki, and Katsuki. Kiri and Iida had a mutual loss somehow.

Kacchan fought Urakaka this time, winning but she had a good try. Izuku on the other hand, got paired with Todoroki. While Izuku was attracted to him, he didn't let it get in the way of fighting, he teleported behind him and tapped him on the shoulder to copy his quirk before teleporting back in front of him and using his own quirk against him.

Now it was down to Katsuki and Izuku. Bakugo looked like he didn't know what do expect while Izuku was fairly confident. "Worried, Kacchan?" Izuku spoke, mostly to get on his nerves.

"Like I would lose to an extra like you!" Bakugo yelled before charged at Izuku who teleported out of the way last second and managed to tap Bakugo on the arm to copy his quirk and send an explosion at him. Katsuki got back on his feet and charged at Izuku again, who just set an explosion at him, before teleporting behind him and sending an explosion again. When he was down, Izuku grabbed him by the collar and teleported him out of bounds.

Bakugo was not happy but Izuku had shown that he wasn't to be messed with by beating all of his opponents. "Alright, everyone go change and head back to the classroom," Aizawa instructed. The boy with the split colored hair approached him on the way to the locker room, "It was cool how you beat Bakugo."

"Oh thanks, you fought pretty well too, I probably wouldn't have been able to beat you if I didn't copy your quirk to be honest," Izuku spoke as an attempt to compliment him.

"Thanks, I guess."

Izuku entered the locker room and changed before teleporting just outside of the class room, not feeling like walking. He was the first one back and he went to go sit down in his seat.

"Midoryia," Aizawa spoke to get his attention before continuing, "You did pretty good even for someone who got in on recommendations. I'm impressed. We have the UA sports festival in two weeks, just so your aware."

"Thank you, Mr, Aizawa," Izuku spoke before sitting down while the rest of the class trickled in. Bakugo was definitely unhappy as he sat down, which made Izuku feel satisfied with himself. The lessons were just about fighting tactics until they were released to go to lunch. Luckily, Izuku could eat normal food to blend in, he never really saw a point to it but right now, he was grateful. Izuku got his lunch which was udon with sauteed vegetables, rice and miso. He found a table where Todoroki and Iida were sitting and approached. "Hi, is it okay if I sit here?"

"Of course!" Iida responded before Todoroki had the chance.

Izuku sat down across from them.

"Midoryia, I request to know how a new student such as yourself was able to win the battles earlier," Iida spoke.

"Oh, I've had training, thats mostly how I got in through recommendations," Izuku spoke while feeling Bakugo's eyes on him.

"What's the thing with you and Bakugo? Did you know him before?" Todoroki asked.

"We used to be friends in middle school, we're not anymore," Izuku spoke casually, ignoring the stares he kept getting from Bakugo. He got up just before the bell rang, put his tray up and headed back to class. Bakugo caught up to Izuku and of course, Izuku knew it. "What do you want Kacchan?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2022 ⏰

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