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Izuku woke up early and put on his villain outfit. He needed to be at his best so he had to eat. He pulled a cloak on and pulled the hood up since it was day time, a modification to his villain outfit since the sun was a major weakness of his.

The door clicked shut behind him as he left the base. He fed on people once again and returned shortly.

"Took you long enough," Tomura spoke as the green haired boy walked inside.

"Don't get your panties in a twist, it's 7:45, we still have plenty of time," Izuku spoke before sitting down on the couch.

"Izuku, I want you to stay by me unless I tell you otherwise. I can't have you getting caught by any pro's," Tomura spoke, ignoring Izuku's previous comment.

"I'll stay put. I'm mostly just coming for the show anyways."

Izuku messed around on his phone for the next 15 minutes, until it was time to go. He walked into Kurogiri's warp gate with the others.

They stood in the center of USJ. Students were near the entrance which was now locked. Izuku looked around, not finding what he was looking for. "No All Might, what a shame."

"He'll come," Tomura spoke.

Eraserhead began to fight off the lower level villains they had prepared.

Izuku locked eyes with a student. A pretty boy with split colored hair. He had Izuku's attention until Kurogiri warped a large portion of the students elsewhere.

Toga who hadn't run off yet and who had been observing Izuku had new teasing material.

Izuku focused his attention back to the current situation. Eraserhead was still fighting minor villains. Students were also fighting said minor villains in the different terrains USJ offered.

Izuku flipped his knife in his hand, as he usually did when he was bored. Tomura sent Toga off to collect blood before finally having to fight Eraserhead. Izuku smelled a strong stench of blood as Tomura used decay on Eraserhead's elbow.

"I am here!" Izuku cringed at the overused line from the number one hero before glancing over to see him heading for Tomura.

Kurogiri warped a Nomu in front of All Might. Tomura left the heavily injuried underground hero on the ground. Before watching the fight with Izuku who couldn't be bothered to join in on the fighting.

All Might and the Nomu were barely an even match, All Might was struggling. After a while, All Might couldn't keep up his muscle form and became skinny. Tomura called the Nomu off and walked to All Might with Izuku at his side. "How's it feel to lose? How does it feel to know you've let everyone down? That your a failure!" Tomura spoke. "Kill him," Tomura added, ordering Izuku.

Izuku smirked before pulling out a knife, "with pleasure."

"Midoryia, my boy, you don't have to do this!"

"I've been waiting to kill you. Your nothing to me and you'll never be anything to anyone again. I'm doing you a kindness if you think of it," Izuku spoke before stabbing the weakened All Might in the neck with a knife, causing blood to splatter on his face. All Might attempted to grab his neck to stop the bleeding to no avail, he bled out of the ground while all the young heroes to be watched in fear.

"Great job Izuku, lets get out of here," Tomura spoke and Kurogiri warped the league back to the base.

They all sat talking and joking about the events that had unfolded earlier. This was Izuku's new family.

It was around 10am and Izuku announced he was going to bed, before heading to his room and crashing.

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