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When Izuku regained consciousness, he heard someone crying beside him. He was in a bed. He opened his eyes, he was in a hospital room and his mom was crying.


"Hi mom," Izuku spoke quietly, suddenly aware of his previous actions.

He felt his mom hug him tightly.

"I'm so so glad your okay! Thank goodness for that quirk of yours-"

"I don't have a quirk, mom. What are you on about?"

"Nothing, don't mind me, I'm just so glad your okay! Don't try anything like this again!"

"Mom, I want to go home."

"Okay honey I'll-" she was cut off by All Might entering the room.

"I am here. To check on you my boy, you had quite the fall!"

Inko saw her son's lack of reaction to his favorite hero.

Izuku took the needle from the IV out of his arm. "Mom, can you please go check on my discharge papers?"

"Your clothes are on the chair, honey. I'll be right back," she spoke before leaving her son with the hero.

"My boy, are you well enough to leave already after that fall?"

"Please stop referring to me as that and leave me alone. I think you've done enough for one day," Izuku sounded cold. He was done with the hero bullshit and he just wanted to go home.

Izuku got up and grabbed his change of clothes that his mom brought him before going into the bathroom to change. When he came out the hero was gone, as expected.

He sat down on the bed and waited for his mom, who came back with some medical papers before grabbing their things.

"Izuku, are you positive that your okay?"

"I'm fine mom, can we just go?" Izuku spoke, slightly irritated, mostly from his interaction with All Might and because he could feel a headache coming on.

The two left, it was late at night and Izuku collapsed into bed when they got home.

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