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"Mom, is there something wrong with me? Everyone else has a quirk already."

"Oh Izuku, there's nothing wrong with you honey. Your just different from them," Inko assured her 6 year old green haired son.

She never told him anything about his dad or took him to a quirk doctor. He never knew if he'd get a quirk or what that would be. He assumed he'd be quirkless, so did everyone else.

"Deku! If you really want to be a hero that badly, believe you'll have a quirk in your next life and take a swan dive off the roof!" The loud blonde that used to be his friend yelled at him in the empty classroom.

The green haired boy stood there. Nobody besides his mother ever spoke a kind word to him anymore. He should be used to this but it still hurt. A lot.

He was alone. It was sick of him to even consider it, but who could blame him. He grabbed his things and stormed outside, getting instantly soaked by the rain. Even better, he left his umbrella at home.

He walked in the rain until the sludge villain all Might was after earlier came out of the sewer right in front of him.

The villain tried to hijack Izuku's body, suffocating the boy.

All Might came out of nowhere and punched the villain, causing the sludge to fly everywhere. Izuku was unconscious from not being able to breath.

The green haired boy woke up, being gently slapped by the number one hero. "Finally my boy, you're awake. Are you alright?"

"A-All might!" Izuku scrambled for his notebook to find it already signed by the hero.

"I-" Izuku got cut off by All Might.

"Sorry my boy, I must be off. Get home safely," with that All Might prepared to fly off, only to have Izuku latched onto him midair, forcing him to land on a nearby roof.

"All Might, I need to ask you-"

He got cut off again.

"Sorry my boy, I really must be off."

"Can I be a hero without a quirk?" Izuku blurted out.

All might faced him to answer his question.

"You would be better off becoming a police officer or a detective my boy. It's very dangerous even for those with great quirks to be a hero. So I must say you cannot."

Izuku felt his last speck of hope evacuate his body and chuckled coldly.

"Fine then, all Might," Izuku spoke, sounding spiteful, he stood too close to the ledge. "I won't be a hero." He took a step back, allowing himself to fall.

All Might rushed towards him, not fast enough to catch him. By the time he reached Izuku, it was too late. He was on the ground, unconscious and bleeding.

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