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Izuku walked until he smelled something that smelled better to him then his mother's katsudon. He walked towards the enticing smell, only to find it was blood. He felt disgusted, not by the blood but by the fact that he was enticed by blood. Yeah he didn't want to be a hero but he didn't know if he wanted to jump straight into villainy. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad. His eyes darted to the person in the alleyway, they had been stabbed and were bleeding. It at went so fast, before he knew it, he was standing next to a dead body with blood on his face.

He panicked and ran until he was in front of his mom's door. Would she remain supportive of her son or would she kick him out and tell the police? He stood there for a few moments before deciding to enter.

"Izuku, is everything all right? What happened?" She spoke, noticing her son's heavy breathing and that he was nearly crying.

"I-" he couldn't. Inko pieced it together and she hugged her son.

"It's okay. As long as you are okay, everything is fine."

"But I-"

"Did anyone see?"

"I don't think so but-"

"Izuku, calm down. Everything is fine."

"I killed someone. The police and heroes are going to be after me. What do I do, mom? I'm scared."

"Izuku, you'll be okay. I want you to go take a nap and we'll talk again later okay?"

The green haired boy nodded his head and ran upstairs before collapsing into his bed, face first.

"Why can nothing ever just go right for me? First, I'm quirkless and then when I get a quirk it's awful!" Izuku nearly cried as he threw his pillow at his wall and fell asleep after an hour or so.

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