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"Izuku! Are you up yet? I know it's the weekend but it's almost dinner time, you've slept all day!" Inko spoke while knocking on his door.

Izuku let out a groan as he forced himself out of bed. "I'm up mom!"

He heard her footsteps retreat to downstairs.  Everything sounded louder. He forced himself to go downstairs, despite every little creak the floors made, making him want to crawl back into his bed and hide from all the unwanted noises. He sat down across from his mom.

"Izuku, are you feeling alright? You don't look well," Inko commented, concerned.

"I'm fine mom. Thanks for dinner," Izuku spoke, shoving a bit of katsudon in his mouth. It didn't help his hunger in the slightest.

"Did you make it different then usual?"

"No, I made it the same as always. Why? Does it taste bad?!"

"No! It tastes fine mom!"

Izuku was hungry, but he barely ate half of his food unlike usual.

Inko was clearly concerned but tried not to push it. She grabbed his bowl to take it to the kitchen, and put the rest of his food in a Tupperware for leftovers.

Izuku went up to his room. He took the sign off his door and put all of his All Might figures and posters in a box. He put the box under his bed and sat at his desk.

He had two things to figure out; number one, what was going on with him and number two, what exactly did he want to do with his life since he's officially given up on heroes.

Izuku thought about asking his mom since she had mentioned a quirk a few times accidentally. He could probably get the information from her pretty easily so he went back downstairs, finding his mom sitting on the couch, watching television.

"Mom, what were you talking about in the hospital when you mentioned me having a quirk?"

"I guess I can't keep it from you any longer. I'm sorry Izuku, I kept the truth from you to protect you. I know you want to be a hero but your quirk isn't good for that," Inko spoke.

"Mom, what is my quirk?"

"Izuku, your quirk is vampire. I'm sorry for not telling you!"

Izuku stood there for a second, comprehending the information that had been thrown at him.

"I'm going out."

"Izuku, wait. Did you die before you were taken to the hospital?"

"Probably. I'll probably be back soon," Izuku put his shoes on and left the house. It was sunset so he put his hood up.

"I can't believe she didn't tell me. I could have been saved years of bullying for being quirkless," Izuku spoke, kicking a can that was in his path as he walked.

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