6 Control

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He huffed into Jotaro's ear, "Did you already cum, or is all this wetness pre-cum?"

No response.

"I'm happy to make you feel so good," he continued. "I'll keep taking care of you." His hand squeezed as his arm tightened his grip on him. "You keep being good, and I'll do anything for you. You're so, so good." He was able to spout all those words without slowing down his pace.

Jotaro had no control. He didn't fight for it. He didn't want to. He couldn't control his toes curling. He couldn't control his legs kicking. He couldn't control whatever came out of his mouth. He probably said many profanities, promises and called whatever the man's name was. He didn't care.

He just listening the man say sweet nothings into his ear. The warmth was amazing. That hand on his sack went a little farther back to put a little pressure behind it to rub.

His body tensed as the pace went brutal. A gutteral groan racked his body. He laid his head back down into the couch as he got closer and closer.

In the next few moments or even ten minutes, Jotaro didn't remember much. He just felt. Everything felt amazing. He was comfortable.

Next thing he knew it, a cup of water was put in front of his face.

"Hunh?" Jotaro looked at the man in front of him holding the cup.

He said, "Drink some water. We just had quite the session."

No response.

He teased gently, "Hello, earth to Mr. Kujo. Are you there?"

Jotaro looked down at himself. He was perfectly clean. A blanket was over his lap. He still felt the after effects of the few orgasms he had. He tried swallowing, but his throat was dry. Was he that loud? He finally reached for the cup and began drinking.

"Good job."

Jotaro turned his face away as his face grew warm. He sat his cup on his lap.

The man reached for his head to pat, but he quickly pulled away. "Right. Sorry." He leaned down until he was close to Jotaro's cheek and kissed him tenderly.

Jotaro's breath trembled. He mouth formed the 'N', but his lips sealed shut. He looked over at the man.

The man looked back at him with a shocked look. He saw something on Jotaro's face that he couldn't control. "Are... you okay?"

Jotaro slowly turned his face away with him again. "I'm... Sorry. I have to go." He quickly stood up only to stumble a bit.

"Whoa whoa," the man said grabbing his shoulders. "Be careful. Alright?"

Jotaro pulled himself out of his grip. "I'm fine." He pulled his hat down hoping to cover his face. He grabbed his clothes and began dressing.

"Did I go too far?"

Jotaro responded to him with silence. He quickly finished dressing despite the muscle pain. He reached the door. "No... It's just me." He left the room without saying another word. After he shut the door behind him, he dug his shaking hands into his pockets.

Suddenly, something caused him to tense up as he heard sniffing... Crying?

He peeked behind him to find his daughter, Jolyne.

She was in tears.

"Jolyne?" He called puzzled.

She looked up noticing her father in front of her. She stopped in her tracks about a couple of meters away. "D-Dad?"

They stared at each other for a bit, surprised to find each other.

What is wrong? He wanted to ask. He swallowed down his own shaky feelings and said, "Come here." His hand came out from his pocket and reached out to her.

That was her cue for the water works to release. She cried, "Dad!" She ran into his arms.

The two of them walked all the way to his room.

Jolyne sat on the couch crying as Jotaro went to the fridge to get her some water. He could hear her sniff every once and a while. With every quiet whimper, his heart thumped painfully.

What happened? Why was she sad? Who caused her to become like this?

Why did she come to him of all people? There were moere people way better than him.

He walked out of the kitchen area and handed her a bottle of water. "Here."

"Sorry," she apologized.

"No need to apologize," he said.

"I'm sure you were busy."

"It's no big deal," he said as he went across the room. He leaned against the wall. He placed his hands into his pockets. "So what happened?"

Real smooth.

Jolyne looked down at her lap. "Well... Hermes dumped me." She swallowed a lump in her throat to prevent herself from crying. "She said because she was going away to a University out of state on a Track and Field Scholarship, and she would neglect me."


He wasn't sure what to say.

"You don't have to say anything," Jolyne said with a sad smile. "I know words aren't really your thing. I'm just glad you're here."

He responded with a quiet exhale.

Jolyne gave an exhausted chuckle, "I'm glad I managed to find you after I already checked for you at your room. Has to be a coincidence. I thought you were someone else since you came from another room. I was a bit too out of it. Heh-heh." She exhaled relieved. "Thanks, Dad."

Jotaro nodded a your welcome. He couldn't help but feel that slight tinge of guilt when she said that she couldn't find him.

Did she really need him? Must be lies.

He shook his head. He cleared his throat as he noticed that his throat was still dry. He didn't drink enough water before leaving abruptly. His lower thighs were sore. His knees were still a bit weak. He felt very light and a bit out of it.

God, he was disgusting.

Jotaro cleared his throat, "Do you need me to take you home? It's getting late." He didn't check the time, but the last time he checked, was before he left to let go of steam.

"Um," Jolyne said, hesitantly. "Can I stay overnight? I'll sleep on the couch."

Jotaro looked at his wrist. He didn't have a watch on. He took out his phone to see that it was one in the morning.

Wait. One in the morning...

Maybe she assumed he was working this late...? In someone else's room? All ruffled up like that?

"Y-..." He tried to think of some words. He wasn't sure what to think. His daughter was in distress. Maybe she didn't notice too much. "You can. Take the bed. I'm going to take a shower."

"Okay," Jolyne said. "Thanks."

Jotaro left her to go to the bathroom. He saw himself in the mirror. Then he looked away. He took a deep breath in and out. Then he went to take a shower.

At least, he was happy to be there for his daughter.

That's about it.

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