Wait, the UNF exists?

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UNF Commanding Officer's in the Special Region:
Colonel Winter.
Lieutenant Colonel Hanz.
8 PCST's.

(A/N: sorry I've been busy updating my lore and overhauling a LOT of my character's abilities, for instance, Helios has been unnerfed. Krieg will be getting a book soon with the Deathguard Legion. Void Squadron is about to smack down a certain criminal squadron's ego even more. And......oh god, the UNF or Nova Corp's is gonna have to deal with star wars BS soon.

Oh yeah forgot to mention i DEFINITELY, totally won't uhhh........alright, maybe i will continue Krieg's OG plot line where they are retired with a literal 32 mile tall and 4 mile radius tower called the Citadel Fortress, not counting the underground levels. Also Krieg is older than any undead, seriously 138 trillion years of unconfirmed existence? Honestly I'd reitre too if i was that old.

One second to last thing,
Almost none of my factions have any inspiration from outside sources, i just improvised from lore i made 8 years ago and went on from there.

Also why the hell did i give Krieg enough power to solo the Abyss Emperor and the True Ancient Void God? It's hard enough dealing with Gen 1 Eradicators like Helios being unnerfed and being capable of one shotting BOTH in a single attack- aaand I'm ranting again, why do i always rant when i am exhausted?  Is it some inner monologue switch i unconsciouly- y'know what I'll just publish this chapter. Have a nice day or night, to, anyone who read this.)

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