When she walked into the dining room again, she saw how a small crowd had formed, and they nervously rose up like bubbles in a can of soda. Her heart began to pump quicker as she saw the looks bikers and sirens were giving her, a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. Emma had probably told more about the show and to Evelyn's dismay, they all got curious about what they didn't know about the detective. The dining table had been moved to the side to give the detective more space to dance on and the chairs were quickly filling up with people staying because of the crowd. In a split second, Evelyn was on her way to run back to her room with her heart right up her throat while forcing herself to never put herself in a situation like that again. Her breath quickened, and her vision faded slightly as her legs began to turn.

Brown's beautiful eyes caught the anxious woman's eyes and were quick to calm her down. Jeremiah must have heard about the show and probably left his empire in his kitchen to see what everyone seemed to be talking about, Ev thought as she saw the confused look on his face. He sat down next to Jax and Ice which had taken place next to the pregnant woman that was now smiling over something the president said.

"Oh, our dancer is here," Jax said with eyes glittering with joyful glimpses aiming to irritate the detective. What the president didn't know was how nervous Evelyn was and how unresponsive she would be to his teasing. Her eyes didn't even meet his as she forced herself to stay still and not run away, maybe I could walk away slowly? she asked herself debating what to do.

"Shut it. I really want to see this," Athena said, hoping Jax wouldn't scare the detective away. With a sigh and determination, Evelyn sat down on the floor to begin to tie the shoes. She slowly breathe through the nervousness as she forced herself to do this thing for her friend. While Evelyn sat down, Gunner walked in with a bowl of popcorn and sat down behind Athena on the moved table. Jeremiah took some steps closer to his sugar and crotch down to sit next to her. He had a feeling that lots of emotions were building up inside her and wanted to make sure she was okay.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he saw the huffy breath leaving Ev's chest. Ev looked up at him and gave up a small nod before looking over at the crowd again. She hadn't danced for more than four persons since the day she fell on stage.

"Yeah, I think so," Was all she said before taking some shaky steps over to the small speaker someone had gotten the small event this was turning into. With nervous movement, Evelyn took out her phone, connected it to the speaker, and carefully chose a song to dance to. When she couldn't push the time anymore she gave off a sight and turned around to get in position for her dancing.

Seeing everyone stare at her made her heart pump even faster again, at first she was ready to run out of the room and never put on the stupid shoes again, but when her eyes meet Jeremiah something told her to at least try. When the right ton from the song came, her body began to elegantly move like she hadn't done anything else in years. The nervousness disappeared like water down a hill and was replaced with excitement. The few times Ev could see the crowd she couldn't see anything else but surprised faces and some proud ones too. This was what she wanted to do, she wanted to wow people.

When the last second of the song was played she did a small but elegant curtsy making everyone burst out in hurrays and applause. Jeremiah flies up and rushes over to Ev with a big smile on his lips. He was quick to embrace the girl, lift her up and spin her around in two cute spins.

"You were amazing!" He said to her and placed her down on the ground again, still with that big smile on his face. The crowd began to cheer even more when they saw the look the biker had for the girl and a small blush spread around Evelyn's cheeks.

"Sweet, give us another show now," Jax roared out with a dirty smirk as he leaned back in his chair, earning him a slap to his head from an old lady, Athena.

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