“Such a good boy,” Louis said as the vibrator was all the way inside. Without a warning, Louis turned the dial at the end of the vibrator, causing it to turn out.

 Harry’s body practically leaped off the bed at this new, intense sensation. This was definitely not something he had expected. The vibrations rocked through his entire body and the tip of the vibrator grazed his prostate, driving him mad.

“Now, I have a few things to take care of downstairs so I want you to be a good boy for me  and stay here,” Louis said in a nonchalant tone. Harry moaned at his master’s words and couldn’t believe he was going to be left here. He could hear his master move across the bed before rolling something down to the base of Harry’s swollen prick. “Just to make sure you don’t come before I get to enjoy you a bit. I don’t want you to talk until I tell you otherwise, understood?”

 Even though it had been a direct order, Harry didn’t think he could be able to speak even if he wanted to. His body was filled with so many different sensations that it was hard to concentrate so he just shook his head.

 Louis left then and walked down the stairs to the slaves quarters were. He found Niall almost instantly, strumming away on a guitar that Louis’ father had given the boy for his tenth birthday. “Niall,” Louis said, getting the blond boy’s attention.

 “Yes, master Louis?” the boy responded, placing the guitar down next to him. “Would you like me to bring those bags up already? I figured you were going to be a while…”

 Louis laughed and shrugged his shoulders. “Now is as good of a time as ever. I’ll help.”

 Together, the two boys were able to carry the numerous shopping bags up the stairs to Louis’ room. When he opened the door, Harry was exactly where he had left him, rocking his hips against the sheets.

 “Holy—-“ Niall stopped himself short. This was definitely not what he had expected coming into this

 Louis chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. “Just set the bags over by the dresser. I’ll sort them later.”

 Niall, trying not to look over at the tied up boy, made his way over to the dresser and set the many bags down next to it before hurrying back towards the door. Louis put the rest of the bags down and follow Niall’s lead, closing the door behind him without another glance in Harry’s direction.

Harry could hear the door opening and at first, he had hoped his master had changed his mind and come to take mercy on him and take him himself rather than keep the vibrator inside. He definitely didn’t count on Niall seeing him, tied up and completely vulnerable. He knew his entire body was blushing over the thought that someone other than his master had seen him in this state. Both fortunately and unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, the two other boys left, leaving Harry alone again, struggling under the force of the vibrations.

Louis wouldn’t tell Harry this, but he had lied to him. He really didn’t have anything to do downstairs. He just wanted an excuse to test out some of their new toys and get his slave wound up. He made his way into the sitting room where he found his mother reading a book.

Her head popped up over the top and smiled when he noticed her son walking towards her. “Hello, darling,” she said, placing the book down on the table in front of her. “How did shopping go this morning? I’m assuming well.”

Louis nodded his head and took a spot next to his mother. “Very,” he replied. “I think you’d approve of the collar I picked out for Harry. It’s quite stunning.”

“I’m sure it is,” she said with a fond smile. “You do have quite impeccable taste. You get it from me. Speaking of Harry, where is the boy? You two have been joined at the hip since you brought him home.”

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