The 40 centimeters were already changing the scenario a little, it was no longer the same, Akko was getting close and braked, getting a little afraid, but she soon goes on the first attempt, makes the force with the tail and feel the skateboard descending, getting surprised and creating a smile on her face, after a few failed attempts she was starting to go attempt after attempt until completing the 10"minute mark, where she descended smoothly on 40 centimeters.
With that the half meter mark arrived, it was much more noticeable how the size already made a difference, practically hitting the knees of the Japanese in terms of height, Atsuko was getting ready, on the first attempt she went close and came back scared, but remembered how it was on the 40, so she just got the momentum and with that the skateboard didn't come down the same way, so much that she jumped off it and launched herself forward.

" The Ollie Akko! Use Ollie, if you jump the balance will be better " Croix said.

Akko listened to Meridies advice, but was still preparing herself psychologically for that, she got close and braked, it was like that for a few good attempts, while the time was starting to roll, in one of these she decides to take more courage, giving an Ollie, but then she threw herself getting a little afraid and jumping from the skateboard, but it was then that she could realize something.
Part of the psychological was already preparing for the jump, she was going many attempts this way, just jumping and leaving the skateboard, taking almost 10 minutes in this, until you can hit 5 times in a row and with that the height increase to 60 centimeters.

" Whew! I made it! It's not as easy as it seems, even more so since Ollie increases the height even more, I could feel it in my legs " Akko said passing her hands on her legs and with that already concentrating for the 60 centimeters.

This time she made a new mantra for the approach, coming close stopping to look at the height, then she jumps and throws herself to see how and the height and finally Kagari takes the courage she needs, starting to jump for good and was not as difficult as the 50 centimeters, since she was already having the courage, but still took a while because the attempts take a little longer, managing to reach the 5 attempts in 5 minutes and with that the height increased to 70 centimeters.
Atsuko was starting to go in the same process of starting the descent, but this time she was a little afraid, mainly because she felt the impact on her legs when she was throwing herself from the skateboard.
And that's how the last 5 minutes went on, with the Japanese girl trying and trying, even getting one time or another, but still she hadn't managed to dominate the way Ursula and Croix had indicated, getting at most 2 times in a row, getting a little tired and then the platform went down.

" 70 centimetres Akko, that's not bad at all, you can really go far, for a first day you've even managed to get on top, it's enough to get off a sofa " Ursula said impressed.

" My legs feel like they're going to kill me too... What time is it? " asked the Japanese woman.

" Look, it's already 10 o'clock in the morning, but there's still a bit more training, we'll just have a water break and I'll explain the next part " said the blue haired girl while Akko was drinking water.

" I just know it's tiring, I don't think after this I'll be interested in skateboarding for the rest of the day.

" Well now comes the part of learning maneuvers, will be 30 minutes, you will only do this maneuver and focus on it, try as many times as possible, we will do this almost every day, with a different maneuver, where you will learn, get the hang of it and dominate " Ursula explained and then Croix was showing the maneuver to Akko, with the phone.

" A varial? But I already know that one? " Said the Japanese woman.

" But now you are going to dominate this manoeuvre, now you have 30 minutes to practice until you dominate, you have to try, you have to do it higher, cleaner, this will count a lot, mainly in the championship, where your score will depend a lot on the way you execute the manoeuvres and fit them in " Ursula explains to Kagari, who is starting to try.

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