The Duel

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Potions had just ended, and Harry's goal to rush out the door without being called back by Lily were destroyed. Draco glanced behind his shoulder, sneering at Lily before offering Harry a concerned frown. 

"You go on Draco," Harry said wearily, "I'll be there in a second."

Draco nodded and left the room, shutting the door behind him and the other students. James stayed inside, eyeing Harry and Lily. 

"You can go James, I just want to talk to him," Lily said. 

James pursed his lips, "You have defence against the dark arts next Harry," he said before slipping out of the door. 

Harry steeled himself before turning around. His birth mother stood at her desk, hesitantly shifting her feet. Their eyes met and it was as though Harry was staring into a mirror. Their eyes really were similar. He'd been told by his father but had never gotten the chance to see the resemblance this close. The woman was smiling at him now, and although Harry had the skill to kill men twice his age, he didn't really know what to do. 

"The last time I held you, was the night you were stolen from me," Lily said. 

Harry froze. That was the last thing he would've expected. But apparently she wasn't finished. 

"I thought I lost you forever Harry, I mourned you," she said, her eyes shining. "But he took you. He took you and tainted you and made you into him."

Harry knew this whole speech was supposed to make him hate his Father, but his heart was beaming inside. He loved being compared to his father. 

"You look like him," Lily said, taking a step forward. "You would've looked like James, I'm sure of it. But you look like him. It's uncanny."

She took another step forward and suddenly Harry was cautious. The red haired woman was slowly walking towards him with a strange look in her eye. Perhaps he should call for Draco. 

"And you've killed," she went on, "Don't think I don't know about the murder. The people you've slaughtered for him." 

She was close enough to touch now, and although Harry towered over her, she held a presence that made him feel small; like a child. 

"Don't you see Harry?" she breathed, "It's all him. Voldemort."

She reached up her hands to cup Harry's face. Harry sneered and grabbed her by the wrists, ignoring her cry of pain. 

He leaned close to her face, "Voldemort made me," he hissed, "He is my lord and I am his heir and nothing that comes out of your filthy mudblood mouth will convince me otherwise." 

He let her go and Lily scrambled back, hitting the desk with a 'thump'. Her eyes were wide and frightened. 

"Leave me be while I'm here and I won't kill you," Harry said as he stalked out of the classroom. 

Outside, Draco was waiting with James nowhere to be seen. 

"What happened?" Draco asked, concerned. 

Harry flung his hand out, casting a wordless silencing spell and continued to walk to his next class. Draco tugged at his hand as they walked. Harry turned to look at him, Draco's face was red and blotchy, his eyebrows turned down. 'Let me speak' me mouthed furiously. 

Waiting a moment longer, Harry sighed and broke the spell. 

"What the fuck was that?" Draco almost yelled. 

Harry glared at him, "That was an attempt to stop questions from coming out of your mouth. If you'd like me to silence you again, by all means keep talking." 

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