Chapter one: Halloween Night

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"Who is it?"

"It's just me Lily."


"Yes, it's me. Go on and ask me a question then."

"What is Sirius' animagus?"

"A great black dog."

Lily pulled the door open and flew into her husband's arms. They both stayed there for a moment, reveling in the fact that they had stayed alive for another day. Eventually, Lily let go and stepped inside, closing the front door.

"Why were you out so late?" she demanded softly, as to not wake Harry in the next room.

James cringed, "It's Halloween Lils, kids were everywhere."

Lily put a hand on her hip and sighed, "I thought the worse."

James pulled her in again, wrapping his arms around her and resting his head on her hair, closing his eyes, "I know, I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

He felt Lily relax, "He wouldn't stop crying today," she murmered, "As soon as you were gone it started. I couldn't get him to calm down."

James laughed, "Tired himself out did he?"

Lily stepped away, "He's rather like you in that department. He won't give up until he's practically dead on his feet." She stared pointedly at the bruise like bags under her husband's eyes.

James yawned and shrugged, "It was only cleanup duty today. Just a couple of houses that'd been raided. Only one of them had the dark mark above it."

Lily shuddered, "I don't want to talk about it. I get enough of it at Order meetings."

James nodded, "Yeah, of course."

Lily was silent for a moment before smiling, "Come see Harry," she whispered.

James laughed silently and followed Lily to the small nursery. A white cot lay at the far end of the room, a jumble of brightly colored toys laid out on the floor. James maneuvered his way through them and stared down at his son.

Harry Potter.

The baby was sound asleep, tucked under the covers so much that only his nose and a small tuft of black hair could be seen. If the baby were to open his eyes, they would be a brilliant green, though James knew that they would probably be covered with glasses sooner or later. Harry was a beautiful child, all soft chubby skin and rosy cheeks. James had never loved something so much in his life. Apart from Lily of course.

Lily rested her head on James' shoulder, "Isn't he perfect?" she murmered.

James nodded, "Yeah, the most perfect thing ever."

"As he should be," Lily laughed, "I made him."

"We made him."

Lily batted James' arm, "I did all the hard work."

James cringed, thinking back to the horrible night of labor, "Don't remind me."

"James?" Lily asked, her voice serious.


"I can't stop thinking about the prophesy," she whispered, "I can't stop worrying that Harry will be in danger all his life."

"Don't say that Lils," James said, "We'll win this war, I'm sure of it."

Lily grasped his hand, "But what if-"

She was cut off by a loud shrieking noise repeating over and over again, echoing through the house. Harry woke up at once and began crying almost as loud as the siren.

"The wards..." James trailed off, his face draining of color, "They've been broken."

With that, he sprinted out of the room and to the front door, grabbing his wand out of his pocket on the way. Lily ran after him, leaving Harry alone in the crip, tears running down his cheeks. As she reached the front door a little after James, the door was blown off its hinges in an explosion of splinters.

The figure in the doorway cast an unforgiving shadow on the doorstep.

Lily gasped to see Voldemort himself standing before them, his black robes cutting an intimidating figure, his cruel face somehow looking sixteen and thirty at the same time. Red eyes stared into hers and narrowed slightly.

"Bring me the child." Was all he said, his voice soft.

James pointed his wand at Voldemort, his hand shaking, "If you think for a second that I'm going to-"

A flash of light and James was on the ground, stunned. Not killed, stunned. Lily looked at the Dark Lord in shock.

"You didn't kill him," she whispered.

Voldemort smirked, "I am not here for you, or your husband. I want the boy."

Lily glared at him, "No. You will never take Harry."

Voldemort smiled, "Such spirit," he whispered, stepping into the house, "Such nerve."

A flash of light hit Lily as well, and she tumbled onto the floor next to James. Stunned.

Voldemort hummed softly as he walked through the Potter's home, following the sound of Harry crying to the nursery. As soon as he reached the crib, Harry stopped crying and stared up at the new face in awe. Harry reached up a chubby hand and Voldemort flinched back, making Harry's chin wobble and new tears form in his eyes.

"You're a gentle thing aren't you?" Voldemort whispered, picking Harry up in his arms. "We'll have to change that. But don't worry, by the time I'm finished with you, there'll be no gentleness left at all," he hissed, apparating away silently.


"Is this the child my Lord?"

Bellatrix Lestrange looked up at Voldemort with wide eyes. Harry squealed in his arms and reached out to pull at a strand of curly black hair. Bellatrix hit the child's hand away with her wand and Harry began to cry.

"Stop that." Voldemort said harshly, and Harry stopped at once.

"Why didn't you kill him my Lord?" Bellatrix asked.

Voldemort regarded Harry, "I will take the very one that was meant to destroy me, who was prophesized to be my doom. I will take him and make him loyal to me and me only. This child is said to be my equal, his power will be of great use to me once he is trained."

"You intend to raise him as your own?"

Voldemort was silent for a moment before nodding, "Yes. Yes I do. He will come to love me like the father I stole him from, and when the light inventively discovers that the boy is still alive, imagine how they will react. Their little golden boy, the son of the Dark Lord."

Bellatrix laughed, "Your plans never cease to impress my Lord."

Voldemort smiled, "Take him to the guest room," he said, giving Harry to Bellatrix, "and call Lucius and ask him to bring his son here tomorrow."

"At once my Lord," Bellatrix said before rushing away, a gurgling Harry in her arms.

Voldemort smiled to himself. Harry Potter may be his best plan yet.

He will hunt.

He will hurt.

He will kill.

All in the name of his Lord.

His father

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