Theo, meet Harry

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Theo raced to his room so quickly he almost tripped. Nothing could've prepared him for what he had just over heard. 

He had a brother. 

His brother was You Know Who's son. 

Holy shit.

Theo sat on his bed in shock. How did he not know about this? Why hadn't his parents ever told him before? Surely they couldn't have known, otherwise they would've tried to get Harry back. They must've though he was dead. But from what Theo had heard, Harry wasn't happy to be back at all. Why would he want to go back to Voldemort? Why would he ever want to leave his real parents? Theo's Mum and Dad were the best people he knew, and if anyone could help Harry and convert him to the right side, it was them. 

But what had happened for Harry to be with Voldemort in the first place? That was what Theo really wanted to know. 

Suddenly, it was like a light bulb went off. He could just ask Harry himself. Harry was his brother wasn't he? Theo had every right to talk to him. 

Just then, he heard footsteps coming down the corridor. 

"You can't just send me to Hogwarts," a furious voice said. Harry's voice.

Theo heard his father sigh, "Dumbledore's right. It's the safest place to put you." 

"What's to stop me from killing every child in that school?" 

Theo's breath hitched, kill people at Hogwarts? How could Harry even suggest something like that? 

"Dumbledore will think of something I'm sure," James muttered. 

Theo heard the door next to his shut, and James' footsteps walking away, slowly getting fainter as he went down the stairs. 

Without giving himself a chance to think about how stupid this was, Theo opened his door and rushed to the room next to his, slowly turning the knob and stepping inside. The room was lit only by a small lamp on the bedside table. The sheets were white, and there was nothing decorating the space apart from the Daily Profit strewn across one corner of the bed. Theo jumped as he heard a sink turn on, before realising it must have come from the en suite. 

Sitting himself down on the bed, Theo waited, listening to the water turn off, and a towel rustle on the towel rack. Eventually the door opened to reveal the boy who had spoken to him before, but Theo stared at him in a new light, knowing now that this was his brother. 

The boy was taller than him, and though he shared many features with Theo's father, he also had an uncanny resemblance to Voldemort. Green eyes met his, and in an instant Harry's face was inches from his as Theo was pulled to his feet by his collar.

"Come to say hello have we?" Harry hissed, dropping Theo onto the bed. 

Theo scrambled away, "You can't hurt me." 

Harry laughed, "And why not? You've come into my room unannounced, I think that gives me every right to hurt you." 

"But you're my brother!" 

Harry stilled. Theo watched as his mouth curled into an unpleasant smile, "You were told?" 

Theo shook his head. 

"Eavesdropping then, such a rude habit." Harry walked to the other boy slowly, "You heard who my father is?"

"Voldemort isn't you father-"

He was cut off when Harry slapped him across the face, the sound echoing in the small space. 

"James Potter is not my father," Harry said, "And you are not my brother."

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