Chapter 85 - Edolas

Start from the beginning


Then I caught sight of something.

"Gray, what are you doing?"

The Ice wizard was holding what look likes a marker and was now drawing upon Natsu's snoring face and when he moved back, whiskers had been drawn on either side of the Dragon Slayer's face. I could feel myself chuckling a little. Drawing on people's face while they were asleep. Classic Prank.

"I thought someone with your talent will go for something more creative than cat whisker," Lucy said from where she sat down beside me.

Gray took that on as a challenge.

"Okay then, if it's fine arts you want," he said adding more upon Natsu's face.

When he pulled back, Natsu's face now sported two black round top upon his closed eyelids…similar to a panda, and he even had beard drawing around his jaws.

"How could he possibly sleep through that?" Lucy asked, surprised at how dead the young man was to the world.

I smirked to myself before thanking a waitress for bringing me a drink.

"Hey Natsu, there is food over there for you," I said, taking a sip.

The Dragon Slayer suddenly stood up in attention, startling Lucy who had been standing right in front of him..

"WHERE IS THE FOOD?" he yelled, "I'll fight you for it if I have to."

Lucy shook her head.

"Shocker, I should have known the only way to wake you up will either be food or fighting," she said, sounding not too shocked at all.

I chuckled shaking my head at his simplemindness. I sighed, leaning back into my seat, noticing how lazy everyone was being which was no brainer considering it was freaking raining…So bored…thought, Eflman seems to be tearing into Droy and Jet with a lecture about men…

"Okay, who is the moron who is dumb enough to draw on my face," Natsu growled, "Was it you Eve?"

I gave him a glare.

"Considering that I am not a moron," I said a small smirk growing upon my lips, "Then I couldn't possibly have drawn upon your face Natsu, but I'll give you a hint. He is as dumb as you."

"What the…That's uncalled for Eve," Gray said, glancing at me.

His reaction caused Natsu to zero on him like a missile targeted at something.

"Hope you're hungry Snowflakes," Natsu said, his fist lightening up with his fire magic.

"Listen up Panda Boy," Gray snarled, "If you don't like the graffitties, you shouldn't have harassed my eardrums with your obnoxious bear snore."

"You're going to wish I'd stay asleep," Natsu yelled back.

And they're at it again.

"That was mean Eve," Lucy said.

"That's what he get for calling me a moron," I told her taking a sip from my drink.

Lucy chuckled shaking her head. The rain outside wans't letting up thought but at the same time…I could feel something pressing upon the back of my head. I couldn't understand what it was so I ignored it.

Lucy turned away from the fighting duo and went to talk to Levy and I continued to watch them fight until they stopped tired and Gray walked away from him rubbing his face of the bruises he was wearing now.

"SHeesh, how much pent up energy does he have?" he asked.

But Natsu was already asleep, completely out of it.

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