Sister in law

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"Look, all I'm saying is that this is the first time we're meeting and she's already late... sounds like I've got this sister-in-law thing in the bag."

Your sister and her fiancé, Jimin, both looked to you with disapproving (but definitely amused) stares, after you spoke with a grin on your lips.

"How many times do we have to tell you that this isn't a competition?" your sister reminded you with a quirked brow.

You shrugged indifferently. "I know it isn't. Because I've already won."

Your sister sighed with defeat as Jimin held in a laugh. They were newly engaged and tonight, you were to meet Jimin's older sister, Roseanne, for the first time. She was Australian, like him, and lived here in L.A., working as an actress and a singer.

Though your sister and Jimin have been together for two years now, you've never actually met his sister because she was always busy working and away filming for different stuff. Plus, you've never figured that you'd need to meet her, so you never really cared. But then they got engaged and since you all were to become a family, it only made sense.

"Just remember to be nice, yeah?" your sister asked with a pleading expression, as Jimin answered his ringing phone. "She's actually really sweet. And she's looking forward to meeting you."

"Because I'm awesome, duh," you said obviously and obnoxiously, before chuckling when her expression became desperate. "Relax big sis, you know I'm always nice."

She mumbled something under her breath in response, which you were about to question, but then Jimin looked between the two of you with a half concerned stare.

"Roseanne is here, but the guy at the door won't let her in without a proof of booking," he explained, before settling his gaze on you. "Do you think you can get her?"

You sighed dramatically but pushed your chair out and stood up. "If I must..."

He smiled gratefully as you waved your hand dismissively before making your way to the front of the restaurant, indeed finding the girl in question talking to the guy stood by the door. You only recognised her because of pictures that Jimin had shown you when describing her. It was silly to admit, but the pictures didn't do her justice.

Roseanne Park was seriously stunning.

She was wearing a black over-the-shoulder dress that complimented her curves well, certainly making a great first impression. But her eyes were what stood out the most – a creamy brown that complimented her light hair and dark outfit. You almost forgot what you'd even come here for until you heard that she was still trying to convince the guy that she'd been invited.

"Hey, sir," you cut in, rather awkwardly, stopping beside the guy and glancing at Roseanne, "she's with me. Party of four, just back there." You motioned behind to where your sister and Jimin were waiting.

He nodded apologetically. "Of course." Looking to Roseanne, he added, "Sorry, we've just had a lot of people trying to get in lately."

"It's all good," she said politely, before looking to you when he let her through.

You motioned for her to follow you back to the table as she spoke first.

"You must be Y/N," she said with realisation. "Thanks for saving me back there."

You smiled with amusement. "No worries, and yeah, I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you, Roseanne."

She flashed you a beautiful smile, eyes glowing under the fluorescent lighting and slightly intimidating you at their intensity.

"You know," you said, hoping to distract from what you was thinking, "you're late to the first official family meeting which basically means I've got one point towards being the favourite sister-in-law and you've got none."

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