The triplets took their seats in the hall/ lecture room. (A/N..I don't know what it would be called in America)

Everyone was given the rules and at 10am exactly everyone was told to start.

The triplets all found the test different.

Alex had a good memory and had memorised most of Nico's books so he wasn't doing to bad.

James was struggling in some areas but he felt he was doing enough to scrape a pass.

And Skyes nerves were getting worse. She looked at her brothers, they seemed to know what they were doing. She had no idea.

At this point she knew she was going to be separated from them. She tried to anwser the questions but the fear kept getting worse. She was terrified of not being with them.

She couldn't breathe. Her hand was shaking as she wrote on the test paper.
She needed air. She couldn't do this.

She wasted no time standing and running out. She couldn't do it.

Alex and James saw and tried to follow but the teacher monitoring them made the boys sit back down.

The teacher wasn't allowed to leave the room so it wasn't possible to check on Skye however the teacher knew there was teachers outside or close by.

Lorenzo was on his phone when the door opened and Skye came running out. He quickly put his phone away and approached her

"I can't, I can't do it. I'm sorry, I'm sorry" she cried.

"Hey it's okay, deep breaths for me follow my breathing. It's going to be okay" he calmed her down. He wanted to hug her but he knew she freaked out even more at touch.

"What happened" he asked when she was calm.

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry " she cried. She started to freak out again this time a new fear. She was terrified of Lorenzo and what he would do to her for running out.

Lorenzo was never good with his siblings emotions. In fact he often avoided his siblings all together. He was much older than his younger siblings and dealing with crying toddlers was never something he enjoyed doing. Then when Nico and Marco were children he barely had anything to do with them.
He was an adult and they hadn't even started high school. He had responsibilities and a career.

He wasn't good with crying. He hated crying. But in that moment, seeing Skye so vunerable and upset he couldn't help himself, he pulled her into a hug.

Skye struggled at first and Lorenzo was going to let go because he didn't want to make her uncomfortable however he knew she needed it so he hugged her tighter. "It's okay Skye, you're okay now" he whispered.

She stopped struggling and just allowed herself to enjoy the hug. It wasn't from Alex or James so she didn't feel the usual guilt she felt. They would comfort her and worry about her but she wanted them to focus more on themselves.

She let Lorenzo hug her. She held him and cried. She had never experienced this before. She hoped this wasn't a trick. She just wanted this time to be different.

After she had calmed down, Lorenzo led her to the seating area.

"How often do you have panic attacks Skye" he asked once she was sat down.

"I...I don't"

Lorenzo nodded "how often do you feel like you just did right now" he tried a different approach.

"Not often" she lied. She felt like that every day.

"Do you know what caused it" he asked thinking it was exam pressure.

Skye nodded. She decided to be truthful "I don't want to be seperated from Alex and James" she confessed.

"Skye, I've been helping you most of the week and I can see you struggle and that's okay but I can also see you are extremely dedicated to learning and I believe you can pass this exam because you are a very bright child "

Skye had never been told she was bright before. It wasn't something that came up with Alex and James and their captors certainly weren't going to tell her that.

"How about I go talk to the principal see if you can do it in a room on your own that way there is no pressure " he suggested.

"Can you be there" she whispered.

"I don't know"

"I don't want to be alone with just a teacher" she confessed.

"Okay. You just wait here" he told her.

He then walked down the corridor. The principal was waiting, he expected Lorenzo as he had been alerted to the fact Skye had left.

"What happened" he asked Lorenzo.

"She had a panic attack. Is it possible for her to continue the exam in a room"

"I think we can arrange that" the principal agreed.

"Good. I won't give her any answers but I would quite like to sit in. Just in case she has another"

The principal was hesitant but ultimately agreed since it was Lorenzo asking.

They soon got a empty room set up and Skye continued the test with Lorenzo sat at the back. A teacher was present and kept a close eye on them.

An hour or so later

Skye had finished the test, she didn't know what else to add but she was scared of handing it in.
The teacher however said time was up and collected the test paper regardless.

"I'm sure you have done great. Either way I'm proud of you.Let's go find the boys" Lorenzo said.

Alex and James finished 15 minutes ago and went straight out only to find their sister wasn't there. Before they could panic the principal came and reassured them their sister was fine and she was taking the test in a different room.

They got up and immediately went to her when they saw her come into the room. They both hugged her tightly.
"Are you okay" James asked
"What happened " Alex asked

The principal had told the parents what to expect but since Lorenzo was with Skye he didn't get the chance earlier. So he approached him now.

"I'm sure your siblings did wonderful.  We will have  them by the end of tommorow. An email with their results will be sent to your father" he explained.

"Okay that's fine, would it be possible to have them sent to me. Our father is out on a business trip so I'm looking after them whilst he's away"

"Yes of course, we already have your contact details " the principal said.

A short while after they left the school. The triplets didn't think they would get their results so soon and were nervous.

The car ride was silent but eventually Alex spoke up.

"Lorenzo, sir, what would happen if we don't all pass"

Lorenzo glanced at Skye through the mirror and then looked back at the road. "That's a decision you will have to come to yourselves. You can either all attend public school or go to different schools" he told them.

"So you won't force us to go to seperate schools" Skye whispered.

"No Skye. I would never do that"

The triplets were taken back by how gently he spoke to Skye. He seemed serious, he didn't seem to be lying so for now they trusted that they wouldn't be seperated.

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