Chapter 3

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Y/N's POV:

You were mad at the person who was driving the car. You already had a bad day, you got to know how toxic one of your close friends was, then a car suddenly comes out of nowhere and almost hits you, and now you don't have your materials for work. On top of everything, you meet an arrogant, rich boy who thinks his money is the solution to all problems.

You however couldn't blame him. Before your father's company went bankrupt, you were not very different from him. You had also tried to solve trivial problems with money before. Your family was one of Korea's richest and most respected families, and you couldn't afford to get into any kind of scandal.

You had learnt to avoid getting into problems using your money and power, which worked every single time. It was the most convenient and quickest method. You had come to believe that every person of a lower economic class would do anything for money. But now that you've lost both, you had to solely rely on your hard work.


It was the last day of your term 1 exams. You and your friends were in the same section and had decided to gossip for a bit more before exiting the classroom. You all couldn't talk much once you were outside because your drivers keep waiting for you and report any undesirable incident directly to your parents without clarifying first.

"Guys, let's go to a club and have fun!" Tyuzu said as you and your friends were coming out of the school campus.

"Yah! We can't go to a club, half of us aren't even 18 yet," you said.

"I can get you guys inside the club that my uncle owns. He's very cool with these things and won't say a word about it to any of our parents," Jaehyun said.

"He's right, remember the time Jaehyun's uncle bought us vodka for the first time? I had so much fun at that party!" a very excited Beomgyu shrieked.

"Yes, let's go there. Our midterms just ended and I want a fresh start into the next semester," Rose exclaimed.

"I'm in for it," you said, "I'm not trying to be a party pooper or anything, but who will drive us there? Hyunsuk Ahjussi's club is far away from here. We can't even ask our drivers to take us there, they'll know what we're up to right away."

"Y/N, why don't you sneak out in your mother's car?" Rose suggested. "Omoni never uses it, so she won't sense its absence. You learnt driving at 15, make use of it!" Rose always had that kind of evil or nasty solution to any problem.

As you were thinking about whether this was a good idea or not, Tyuzu chimed in, "Y/N, this might be too risky. If Omoni gets to know about it, you'll be in serious trouble."

"She's right, Y/N," Jaehyun said, "I don't think it's worth the risk."

"But look at Beomgyu, he was so excited to go there," Rose said, "Won't you do it for us, Y/N? You and Jaehyun are the only ones who know how to drive, and Jaehyun cannot get any of his parent's cars. They always take their car with them whenever they are outside for work."

"Okay, guys! I'll do it, let's go it Hyunsuk Ahjussi's club and have so much fun tonight as if it's our last day on earth!" you finally gave in, seeing Beomgyu's long face.

You had always loved your friends a lot. You were the type to risk it all for your dear ones. If you had known that Rose was a snake in disguise, you would have never agreed to her ideas which could get you in trouble.

You got home and after getting dressed up moderately, you went up to your mother who was in the living room, getting a pedicure.

"Eomma," you called out, "I'm going to Beomgyu's house to celebrate the end of the first semester of senior year. I'll have dinner at his house, so I might be a bit late." Since he lived in the mansion right opposite yours, you could go alone without the driver.

"Okay, Y/N. Don't cause his parents any trouble. Be a good girl and make sure you don't fall asleep at his place. You have an early morning French class tomorrow."

"Okay, eomma, I'll be back right after having dessert after dinner."

With this, you tiptoed into your mother's room and were about to take the keys to her car, but you suddenly remembered about the spare keys. You thought of taking them instead, to be extra careful. Your father was working overnight that day, so you didn't have to worry about him coming and not seeing the car in the garage.

As you and your friends had planned, you drove the car to your school where your friends were already waiting. After everyone got in, you drove off to Jaehyun's uncle's club to have a party and consume hard drinks.

You were careful not to drink too much because you had to drive and also couldn't reek of alcohol at home. You partied hard with your friends and started driving home before the clock struck 11.

However, halfway down the road to your home, you suddenly started feeling tipsy. Your mind was a barbaric mess and nothing seemed to make any sense. You groaned and dropped your head on the steering wheel as you felt your car hitting something. Frustrated, you peered a look at the biker who had just stopped his bike next to your car and was banging on the car window yelling at you to come out.

"Agassi, you almost drove me to my death, I demand that you get the fuck out of that shiny car and apologize," the man sneered hysterically, with his fists banging against the car's bonnet.

Oh, no! That was your mom's car! You couldn't let it get any dents. 

The thought of any more trouble made you feel strongly nauseous so you got out of the car, leaving the door open. The man was standing two feet away from you, his stinking breath hit your face as you exhaled with a disgusting look and rolled your eyes. Pulling out your clutch, you took out as much money as your fist could get a hold of and slammed it against the man's face.

"You think money can solve everything?" he asked, while also staring at the amount of money that you had just thrown out. People like him made you believe that money can actually solve everything.

When you were just about to retire back into your car, his sweaty hand grabbed your wrist as he pulled you back to face him, his eyes disgustingly staring down at your body like you were a deer up for slaughter.

"That is true because I haven't damaged your bike or anything but I'm still willing to pay for whatever invisible damages you have incurred. Now back the fuck off," you groaned, growing impatient.

"Bitch, I know you. I've seen you on TV. You're the daughter of that lawyer, what's his name-"

"What the hell is your problem? I gave you the money so stop putting your dirty hands on me and don't you dare bring my father into this." You were scared when the man mentioned your father because you couldn't do anything stupid to ruin his image. But your voice was calm, so calm that the man doubted himself.

"I... I... Just... Just give me another 200 thousand won," the man finally said.

"You could have just said that instead of making a scene in the middle of the road," you said, grabbing the money and throwing it at his face. He dropped down on his knees, collecting your money while you drove off.



Hey, bookworms! Comment down what you think about Y/N's earlier lifestyle. Do you like the way she lived before?

Also, a few of you complained of short updates, so I increased the word limit for each chapter haha.

Keep supporting me, I love you all!!! Happy reading!

The Interpreter • Park Jimin X Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now