What I wasn't expecting, was to have an air cannon blast custard across me.



I was so getting back at my husband for that. I'd teamed up with Sera, who was furious with the fact her husband and my hubby had put a hologram tiger in her room, her jeans had itching powder put in them and she'd been trapped in a weird glass maze.

"Sera, what are we even doing?" I asked her, while she set up a holo-programme, and I put Velcro across the TARDIS interior door. "Because this seems incredibly dangerous as we're in deep space."

Her eyes menacingly flashed gold, and she grinned. "That is Velcro from the future, dear Amelia. It clings on to any form of fabric and doesn't let go until you get rid of the magnetic charge through it. So, you know. It's perfectly safe. Plus, I've extended the air shell again. Ready to scream?"

Please, I was born ready to scream. "RORY! DOCTOR!"

We both ducked out of sight, waiting for them to run in and see that the doors were half open. Which they did within seconds and then both ran to the door, leaning out of it, so we ran forwards and pushed them flat against them, making them stick and then just swing out in the middle of space.

"SERA, AMY!" They both shrieked, making us laugh and wave at them.

"Hello, hubby. Like my revenge for the custard? Well, it was Sera's idea, but I helped. Now, are you two going to give up the game, or are we just going to leave you hanging?" I asked them, looking at them just swinging, the infinite vacuum of space as their background.

The Doctor's face was the most comical, pressed tightly into the Velcro and his cheeks were adorably like chipmunks. But they weren't giving in easily. "No! This is way too cruel, Dear, but very well done, you managed to get it in without breaking any of the rules. Come on, you can let us off now, very funny, Seraphina."

"Hmmm, I wonder. How long do you think it would take for them to for give it, Amy? Because we've got time, and there's that Vampire Diaries marathon on ITV later on, and there's plenty of popcorn and jammy dodgers in the pantry." Oh, she was very, very good. Rory was addicted to popcorn and the Doctor jammy dodgers. We could easily eat all of them.



Oh, our boys and their food.

The Doctor:

"Rory, just keep swinging, I can't short circuit the Velcro unless we both hit the ground at the same time." I told him, trying to get my feet closer to the entrance to the TARDIS. My wife was very, very devious.

"I'm trying Doctor, but my knees are kind of stuck." Oh, Mr Pond... "Alright, I think I've got this going now, ready?"

Arcadia's Love (Book TWO)Where stories live. Discover now