They were exhausted, being the elder they were expected to rule the colony with their many years of wisdom.

Two of the chosen going missing was nothing short of terrifying. The chosen were their future. They could not fall into the human hands they were far too precious.

Especially with the cruelty of the false King. He was a greedy man, who killed and hunted dragons without mercy. He encouraged the same for his people.

"Perhaps they have found the King" a young dragon suggested, that had the cave room fall into silence, it was a possibility they could not rule out.


"Where is Taehyung and Hoseok?" Jungkook inquired, looking to his older nest mates. The other chosen stood beside him in the great room carved out of a mountain side.

"I'm not sure" Namjoon confessed.

"Hoseok went missing, our colony has been searching for him" Yoongi admitted.

All the eyes of the chosen turned to the icy dragon.

"So do you think that means Taehyung has gone missing too?" Jin asked into their silence.

They all looked to each other but before they could state or voice their thoughts the council meeting began.


Taehyung and Jimin were taking another flight. They had been given permission to fly without supervision after Aife had seen how naturally he flew. He had communicated to Aife where he intended to fly, she promised she would join him later that day when her duties were finished.

So for now he flew without regard to what was proper by the King's Dragon riders rules, instead he flew with his natural instincts.

"I wish to show you somewhere" It was weird hearing Taehyung talk as a dragon, probably since he could see no lips moving and it tricked his human mind. 

"Is it quick, I wish to be back to the meeting place for Aife. It would do us no good if we were late" Jimin inquired the language of the dragon's easily falling from his mouth. 

"With my wings I cannot be slow" Taehyung took Jimin's words as his assent. 

Jimin braced himself on the dragon's back as they took off at a faster speed that they had initially been travelling at. 


They tore through the skies, Jimin whooping on occasion due to the adrenaline rush. Taehyung let out throaty laughs every time this happened, it felt weird feeling the scales on his back ripple due to the laughter. 

When Taehyung finally started to slow did Jimin finally look around them, it was strange seeing his world from an areal view. Everything small and dis-proportioned. 

"Where are we?" Jimin asked.

"My home. I was raised in those mountains, it is one of the Dragon's hidden colonies" Taehyung answered truthfully.

"It is beautiful" Jimin answered honestly, and truly it was, for the human was no liar, well not by malicious intention. 

"If we had more time I would take you down to visit those who raised me. They would love you" Taehyung's voice held a smile to it, Jimin was sure if he was in his humanoid form he would be baring that bright smile on his face. 

"We should return" Jimin spoke, Taehyung nodded his great head as he maneuvered himself to fly back the way they came.


The meeting was in full swing when a dragon burst in with a sense of urgency.

"What is it?" the words were harsh due to the interruption of the important meeting. 

"The chosen Taehyung was just spotted flying over the mountains" revealed the one who had burst in. 

That had everyone in the room spur into action. Rushing out of the caves, some adorning their wings into their humanoid forms, some going full shift. But never the less they all made their way out of the cave to retrieve one of the chosen they had worried had become lost to them.

"Has he been saddled?" A dragon asked out of horror. 

The other Chosen, Jungkook, Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi all turned to look with hardened eyes at the sight of a human on the back of their nest mate. 

The dragons all moved around into positions just in case there were other riders that the could not yet see, not wanting to be ambushed. 

"How dare that hu-" a dragon speaking was cut off as all the dragons started. 

"Come on Taehyung can we go faster?" the language was so throaty and guttural, but it was no mistake that it came from the human rider.

The hearts of the dragons constricted. 

The eyes of the Chosen never left the back of their nest mate.

For the human rider was their King.


So who likes it?

I hope you do.




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