1. The boyfriend cheats

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Chapter 1  :  The Boy friend Cheats 

Saturday  afternoon

Eve P.O.V.

I had just finished shopping with my sister. When I got home I took a shower and got ready for my anniversary date night with Kevin Just as I left the house, I was in the drive way walking towards my car which was a 2002 jeep, when my phone rang.

Chains – Nick Jones

The text message was from my sister saying   Don't get pregnant.

I laugh at her text message and started my car to drive to his place. Just when I was pulling out my drive way, my phone rang.

Photograph - Ed Sheeran

After I read his text message to me saying that he's sick. I decided to surprise him. I called his favorite restaurant which was Tai Cuisine , and order chick noodle soup.

Third Pov
When I got out the restaurant with the chick noodle soup, I got in my car and drove to Walgreens to get medicine for him.   

Fifteen minutes  later ...

Eve got to his  place and street parked snice he lives on a dead end street. She   walked up to his house and used the spare key because  she  know where he keeps it. She  went into the kitchen and put the brown paper bag with the chicken noodle soup and the Walgreens bag on the marvel white kitchen counter table. 

Eve's P.O.V.
After I put the medicine and soup on the counter table, I went upstairs to surprise him. As I  went upstairs,  I heard moans coming from his room, i figure He's moaning in his sleep because he always moans in his sleep. When  I  open the door, I was shocked to see him   banging  my  best friend in his bed. 

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