chapter 4

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The ding sound rings and the door opens and the male steps out, his boot clapping against the tiled floor, with the female still peacefully in his arms. He entered the hallway, the girls dorm rooms floor.

And his hand comes up to her cheek, poking them. Attempting to wake her up as he stands infront of room 103, floor 3. Gabriella's room. "Hmmm!" She groans slightly, not wanting to be ruined and a friend appears on her forehead as she snuggles closer to his chest. But he pokes her again, finding it cute.

Her eyes slowly opens and she looks up to him, before closing her eyes again. "Your room keys." He says. "In my bag." She mumbles into his chest, inhaling his sweet scent.

The door had open sooner and Zacks steps inside, eyeing the room once again. "Which bed?" He asks as he looks at the three identical beds. "By the window." She says and her eyes opens then closes again.

He gently lays her down on her back and she immediately snuggles into her pink pillow cased pillow. But he was attempting to leave, but she looked uncomfortable and saw the discomfort on her face expression that scrunched everytime.

He saw the discomfort—right through her.

"Do I undress her?" His voice echos throughout the silent light up room as he asks himself in confusion. He looks at her and leans forward, sitting down on the edge of the bed and begins to take her shoes off.

He places her shoes on the side of the bed on tje floor together, neatly. And he slides his hand underneath her head, the other arm instantly going around her waist as he lifts her upper body up. And Gabriella gently falls to his chest. Her head rests on his chest as she sleeps, unaware.

And he takes of her jacket placing it down before laying her slowly back down —he was extra careful. "Cold...." She mumbles into her sleep as he watches her after he lays her back down. His eyes scans her side of the room, finding two thick pink and purple fury blankets. He grabs the one and spreads it open over her. And he tucks her in.

As everything was done, his eyes lands onto her peaceful sleeping face again. His hand comes forward, tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear, and immediately cups her side of her cheek. Attempting to take her long brown hair away from her sleeping face.

"She seems so different." He mumbles as he stares.

"So soft." He says as he gently strokes her head.

Get into his point of view. Who wouldn't fall for such a cute looking peaceful girl. Zack obviously feels different when he is with Gabriella, but he pushes off his thoughts on everything, being to caught up in looking at the sleeping female's face.

With a last glance, he walked out.

And right then a minute after he left, Gabriella gasps and her eyes widens as she forces herself to sit upright, awaken from a horrible nightmare. She has woken up with heavily breaths as the pain struck to her chest and immediately her hand grips onto her chest and her face scrunches into a painful one .

And what he didn't know was, if only, if only a few minutes he had stayed maybe she wouldn't have gotten a nightmare .

A gasp breaks the silence of the room, followed by heavily deep breathing not long after. Shaky hands immediately made its way to her chest as the pain inside her chest increases. She hovers forward and her eyes stings with tears and she shuts then closed.

A loud cry erupts past her wobbly lips throughout the dark room as the pain increases. She struggles to slip out of her bed— as if she wasn't able to move her legs. Same old, same old.

She finally manages to get out, and her legs wobbles towards her cupboard. She lets her hands roam all over the moment she opens her cupboard, attempting to reach some white cubed plastic box.

Once she finally reaches it, her hands immediately let's go after she swings her arm to her beds direction and the box falls onto her bed. And it just made it worse for her to breath. Her chest tightens and her eyes widens the exact moment.

The moment her chest tightens, she needs her pump right away immediately. She could die. She limps as fast as she can to her bed, rushing to open the box.

Variety of medication, pumps, and those first aid kit supplies like bandages, plasters, etc.

She immediately grabs her pump the moment her eyes lays on it and pulls the blue top off with her free hand. She brings it close to her lips immediately pushing the top and the bottom together and a puff goes with her immediately breathing in and her chest loosens— leaving her to take deep heavily breaths.

She gasps for air and takes another puff of her pump and another. She pushes herself back so her body falls onto her blankets as she takes alot more breaths.

Tears forms from her hazel eyes and she immediately leaves a silent cry from her lips.  Like why her? She would ask herself. Fighting the pain, fighting the tears and fighting the trauma for years. Trying everything, and nothin works. What do she do now?

She covers her mouth with her palm of her hand to suppress her cries, but fails. Her head stings with a pain badly and her chest continues to heavy up and down as she takes deep breaths. Her cries continues for a few minutes more before she finally rests back, laying like a lifeless corpse. She sits up and takes her pills out. A purple-grey one, a white flat round one, and two small white pills, before chucking them down with some water. She closes her box and leaves it on her bed before laying down again.

She covers herself with the blanket.

Like that, she fell asleep after some time again.


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