"Starting now."

Hawaii, completely obvious to his boss's anger, walked towards the small group, beginning to talk animatedly.

"He's got one of those little fancy Japanese toilet motion-sensor things that spray the-"
He made hand motions as he described the experience.

Irons, exasperated, said
"Yeah. Get upstairs."

Hawaii nodded, looked away and muttered
"Copy that."

"Let's go!"
Exclaimed Irons as they all began to move out.

There was a chorus of
"Move, let's go."
"You heard him. Let's move."
In reply, as Irons faced the projections yet again.

~Charlie POV~

Please don't be dead, Lizzie. Please don't be dead, Lizzie. Please don't be dead, Lizzie.- Also please let this be an exit- but- you know- please don't be dead.

I thought as we ran.

~3rd Person POV~

"Just text me when you're here, and I'll come outside."

Spoke Lizzie, into her cat headphones, surveying herself in the mirror.


Irons saw a projection on the screen reading:

'Garage exit'

He purposefully reached forward, pushing his hand into the projection and twisting the bar that appeared.

'Lockdown initiated...'
Sally spoke.

~Charlie POV~

"Hurry up!"
Y/N said, panicked as we all ran as fast as we could towards the van, in hopes of escaping our imminent demise.

Wow, very optimistic of you, Charlie.

'Live in three...'

"We can make it!"
She continued.

We were gaining on the door...

'...two...one. (one)'

When it slammed in our faces.

Yelled Berger.

~3rd Person POV~

"Did you hear that?"
Wisconsin asked Virginia as they shone their flashlights around.

She replied.

They both began to step forward.

"On me."

~Charlie POV~

We all stood facing away from the door, not sure what to do. I once again looked to Y/N, because I, the seaweed brain, don't know what to do and Berger sure as hell doesn't.

Secret Headquarters: Charlie Kincaid x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora