y/n rolled her eyes again. "oh, my god! this.. this is so stupid."

"do you accept the risk?" lucas repeated.

"yeah." y/n speaks up. "sure. fine, i accept the risk."

"me too." max agreed.

y/n and max set their skateboards down, and they both sat down.

"let's hear it." max demanded.

"last year.." lucas begins. "will didn't get lost in the woods. he got lost somewhere else."


lucas was starting to conclude his story that she was telling max, about what happened last year

"and that was last we ever saw her. after that, she was just gone." lucas explained. "i can't believe it's been that long. feels like yesterday."

"yeah. i mean, i bet." max agrees. "wow. it's crazy."

"i know." lucas agrees.

"it's crazy, but.. i really liked it." y/n commented.

lucas furrowed her brows. "liked it?"

"yeah." y/n continued with a sarcastic smile. "well, i mean, i had a few issues."

"issues?" lucas asked.

"i just felt it was a little derivate in parts." max adds.

"what are you talking about?" lucas asks max in confusion.

"i just wish it had a little more originality, that's all." max says.

"you guys don't believe me?" lucas asks them.

"lucas, come on. seriously? how gullible do you think i am?" y/n asks lucas in frustration.

"why would i make this up?" lucas sternly asked.

"i don't know. to impress us or something?" max suggests.

"or you're just, like, insane." y/n commented.

lucas got up in frustration, while scoffing. "i tell you both all of this. i mean, top-secret stuff. risking my life! and this is how you guys react?"

max scoffed with a smile. "risking your life?"

"oh, so this is funny to you?" lucas asks.

"yeah, i mean.. kind of funny." max replies. "stupid, but funny."

max and y/n then got up, getting ready to leave.

"where are you both going?" lucas asks max.

"story times over, isn't it?" max sarcastically asks.

y/n and max began to storm out, preparing to leave.

"what's wrong with you both?" lucas asks them . "i gave you what you wanted."

"we wanted to be a part of the group, not a part of some joke." max replies.

"it's not a joke." lucas tells her sternly.

"you did a good job, okay? you can tell the others i believed your lies if it gets you experience points or whatever." y/n continues.

max and y/n started storming out again, but lucas grabbed max's arm, stopping her and y/n in their tracks.

"we have a lot of rules in our party, but the most important is, 'friends don't lie.' never ever! no matter what." lucas states.

"is that right?" max asks, then starts leaving again, with y/n and lucas following right behind max.

"then how do you explain this?" max asks as she hands lucas the 'out of order' sign.

lucas sighs. "i had to do that. to protect you."

"to protect me from who, exactly?" y/n started raising her voice. "the bad government baddies from hawkins lab?"

"lower your voice." lucas warns.

"or maybe it was to protect us from the demogorgon, that got will from another dimension?" y/n adds sarcastically.

"y/n, max, i'm serious, shut up!" lucas warned them again.

"oh, no, no. you know what it was? it was eleven. the girl—" max continued.

but she got cut off by lucas placing his hand on max's face, shutting max's mouth, causing max to widen her eyes.

"stop talking!" lucas sternly tells max, then looks behind max, and back at max. "you're going to get us killed."

max removed lucas's hand from her face, and lowered it,

"you're serious?" y/n asked lucas in a softer voice.

"i really wish i wasn't." lucas replies with fear in his voice.

"prove it." y/n demanded.

"i can't." lucas responded.

"so what? i'm supposed to just trust you" max asks.

"yes." lucas  simply replied.

then y/n and max heard billy's car engine coming up. y/n looked out of the door to see billy waiting.

"shit, we gotta go." y/n speaks up.

max grabs lucas hand. "don't follow us out. okay?"

"do you believe me?" lucas asks max and y/n.

max and y/n didn't respond to lucas, max really wanted to, but billy would be so pissed, so max just ran to billy's car.

max went into the backseat, and y/n went into the front seat, while lucas just stood in front of the arcade door.

"the hell i tell you both?" billy asked max and y/n.

"we're not late." max reminded billy.

"you know what i'm talking about." billy tells her.

"oh, lucas?" max spoke.

"so he has a name now, huh?" billy scoffed.

"it's a small town, okay? we weren't hanging out." y/n intervened.

"hmm. well, you know what happens when you lie." billy said.

"i'm not lying." y/n told him.

billy turned to y/n, with his sunglasses on, he didn't say anything, he just started driving off.


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