"we need to talk." mike demands. "av room. right now."

y/n and max started to get up, to follow them.

"party members only." mike reminds y/n and max, preventing them from going.

"come on, mike." dustin tries to convince him.

"no!" mike refuses. "this is non-negotiable."

"sorry, max." lucas apologizes, feeling bad. "sorry, y/n."

y/n's face dropped, her skateboard in her hand.

once the guys went inside the school, y/n just scoffed and rolled her eyes in frustration.

"see, that's exactly what i was talking about in the locker room." y/n reminds max. "and that mike kid is such a dick. i promise him that me being in his party isn't a threat."

"yeah, i agree." max agrees. "they're such dicks."


max and y/n were getting things from their lockers, then lucas walked up to them.

"hey, max. have you seen dustin? we're supposed to be meeting after class." lucas asks the girl.

max just ignores lucas, and her and y/n slam their locker.

"max? y/n?" lucas chased after them. "hey, guys! hey, where are you both going?"

max and y/n kept ignoring him, continuing to walk.

"come on, we gotta go look for dart." lucas reminds the two girls.

"yeah, good luck with that." y/n coldly tells lucas.

"what is wrong with you?" lucas asks them.

"what is wrong with me? what is wrong with you." max turns it on him.

"i don't understand." lucas complains as he continued to follow them.

"no!" max snapped, and turned to face lucas. "i don't understand!"

y/n paused for a second before speaking up. "you guys act like you want us to be your friends, and then you just treat us like garbage."

"that's not true!" lucas defends.

"yes it is!" max intervenes. "you guys just go and hide in the av club keeping secrets like we're in the second grade or something. you know, i thought you guys wanted me in your party."

"we do. but it's.." lucas trails off.

"but what?" y/n demands eagerly.

"there are just things.. things we can't tell you guys for your own safety." lucas calmly tells y/n.

"my own safety?" y/n sarcastically asks.

"yes!" lucas quickly responds.

"is it because we're a girl?" y/n asked, coldly,

"what? no!" lucas replied.

"did you keep secrets from el?" max asks as she furrowed her brows.

"how'd you know about el?" lucas asked, his voice low.

"did you?" y/n demanded, her voice getting a little louder.

"t-that was different." lucas stutters. "trust me. okay? that was just.. just different."

"okay." max felt like she had enough. "you know what? forget it, okay? i don't wanna be in your stupid party anyway! i'm out."

"have a nice life." y/n comments, then max and y/n started walking to billy's car.

"max!" lucas shouted, hoping to solve this.

but max and y/n didn't respond to lucas, they just kept walking away, blocking his voice out.

billy saw max and y/n from afar, he started making his way to the drivers seat.

y/n went into the front seat, and max went into the backseat.

"that kid you were talking to, who is he?" billy asked y/n and max.

"he's no one." y/n quickly replied, as max stayed quiet, not wanting to talk about it.

"no one?" billy asked, not convinced.

"this kid from my class." y/n, almost too aggressively said.

billy lit his cigarette, and placed it into his mouth.

"why was he talking to you?" billy asked.

"it was just about a stupid class assignment." max intervened.

"then why're you so upset?" billy asked y/n.

"i'm not!" y/n exclaimed.

"he causing you trouble?"

"why do you care?"

"because, y/n," billy began. "you're a piece of shit, but we're family now, whether we like it or not, meaning i'm stuck looking out for you."

y/n rolled her eyes. "what would i ever do without—"

billy grabbed y/n's wrist. "hey!"

y/n widened her eyes in fear. "this is serious shit, okay? i'm older than you." billy insulted "something you learn is that there are a certain type of people in this world that you stay away from, and that kid, y/n.."

billy then gripped max's wrist harder. "that kid is one of them. you and max stay away from him, you hear me? stay. away!"

billy then angrily let go of y/n's wrist.

y/n's eyes began to water, and she looked out of the window as billy began to speed away from the school.


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