"correct." mike retorts.

"why not?" y/n asks.

"because you're annoying!" mike insulted.

"also we don't need another party member. i'm our paladin, will's our cleric, dustin's our bard, lucas is our ranger, and el is our mage." mike added in.

"el? who's el?" max curiously asked.

"someone." mike quickly replied. "no one."

"someone or no one?" y/n eagerly asked.

"she was in our party a long time ago. she moved away, okay?" mike explains, then started walking away.

"she was a mage?" y/n asked as she put down her skateboard, and skated towards mike. "what could she do, like magic tricks or something?"

that question made mike roll his eyes.

"well, i could be your zoomer." max intervenes as she walks in front of mike.

"that's not even a real thing." mike defends.

"it could be." max says.

max gets on her skateboard and starts skating in circles around mike.

"see? zoomer." max says.

"mind-blowing." mike sarcastically says.

"come on, you know you're impressed." y/n tells mike.

mike takes a deep sigh. "i don't see any tricks. you're just going around in a circle."

y/n gets on her skateboard too, and also starts skating in circles with max.

"if it's so easy, you try it." y/n demands mike.

"no." mike denies.

"why not?" y/n asks.

"i don't know how." mike says.

"so, then you admit it's kind of impressive?" y/n asks.

"i think if i spent, like, all day practicing, i could do that." mike says as he turns to y/n.

"i would give you a million bucks if you could." max bets.

"okay, you both are making me dizzy." mike tells max and y/n. "please just stop."

"i'll stop when i join your party." y/n replies.

"come on, just stop." mike begs y/n.

"it's a simple question." y/n speaks up. "are we in or are we or out?"

a smile starts to spread across mike's face, as he watched y/n going in circles.

eleven started to slowly feel anger rise over here, then, with her mind, she brought max and y/n down from their skateboards

y/n yelped as she fell down from her skateboard, landing onto the ground, on her back.

max and y/n held their sides in pain, while they both laid on the ground.

"jesus! are you alright?" mike asked the two girls in concern, as he walked over to y/n.

"yeah, yeah, i think so." y/n replies as she held her side.

"yeah, i'm fine." max also replies.

mike held out his hand, for y/n to grab on.

y/n grabbed mike's hand, and mike pulled y/n up to her feet.

"what happened?" mike asks, confused.

"it was like a magnet or something pulling on my board. i know that sounds crazy." max explains.

"me too." y/n agreed. "it's like just gravity pulling down my board.

mike looked down at the ground, in realization. then he looked over at the gym doors, and saw nothing.

he rushed out of the gym, leaving max and y/n there, he looked in both directions, but eleven wasn't there.


"i found him." will speaks through the walkie as he stared at the creature in the bathroom.

"where?" dustin asks.

"in the bathroom by mr. salerno's." will quietly replied.

"copy that." mike says, his voice cutting out a little.

the creature started making weird noises, looking at will.

"it's okay." will assured. "i'm not going to hurt you."

the creature looked at will, and screeched at him.

will backed away in fear, and dropped his walkie, then started running out of the bathroom.

he looked over, then the lights flickered off.


dustin found dart in the bathroom.

"it's okay buddy, you know i won't hurt you." dustin assures dart as he takes the creature.

"let's go. down here." dustin heard mike say in a distance.

"we're coming!" lucas yelled back at mike.

dustin took off his hat.

"stay low, keep quiet." dustin instructs dart, then stuffs the creature in his hat, and puts it back on.

"where's dart?" mike asks dustin as he walks into the bathroom.

"i don't know. not here." dustin replied.

"what?" mike asks in disbelief, and checks the stalls.

"he said by salerno's, right?" y/n asks, referring to will.

"yeah, maybe will has him." dustin suggests.

mike freezes at the mention of will's name.

"where is will?" mike asks.


joyce was checking the school for will.

"will!" joyce heard in the distance.

joyce went up to dustin, y/n, and max. "dustin. what's going on? where's will?"

lucas runs back into the school with a scared looking on his face.

"the field!" lucas pants.

the five of them ran out into the field.

"will!" mike tried shaking will awake.

will was in a hallucination-trance like state right now, he wasn't moving, and his eyes were faded into a foggy white color.

"i just found him like this!" mike says. "i think he's having another episode."

joyce went up to will and started shaking him. "will! will! will! sweetie, wake up. it's mom! will, wake up! can you hear me? will, please, just wake up."

then joyce started shaking will. "wake up! it's me!"

will's eyes shot back open, and he gasped for air.


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