Part 2

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Welcome back.

(Disclaimer: same as in the first chapter, but actuallt this is a happier part... it's only downhill from there on though.)


Felix POV

"And you're sure he didn't say what he wanted?" Felix asked, too nervous to remember to do it in Korean.

But Minho had heard the question enough that morning to guess what it was. He wore that characteristic blank expression which could be both read as slightly confused or slightly scary, which was a weird combo. Felix was quite sure that he looked quite like the mess he was.

Minho shot him a glance before stepping in to the elevator.

"I'm as sure as I was when you asked me two minutes ago. He just told us to come over."

Felix nervously pulled at his sweater sleeves as the elevator began to move. He nervously bit his lip before looking up at the elder again.

"Do you think it's happening now? Will we be kicked out of the dorms?"

"Korean Felix" Minho asked calmly.

Felix quickly apologized before repeating his question in the other language.

Minho's faced tensed up, but he clearly tried to keep his cool for the sake of the other. Hell would freeze over before Minho showed anyone his fear or sadness. Instead he stretched out his arm and put it over Felix's shoulder as they left the elevator and walked down one of the big buildings hallways. But he didn't have an answer.


Felix was sure he was going to throw up right there, as he sat down at the table opposite JYP. The older man had sent them a short smile before continuing to look at him as were they prisoners who was about to receive their sentences.

"After you got eliminated, I heard that you kept on practising hard every day?" JYP began looking between the two boys. "-It must have been really hard after being eliminated?"

Felix felt like being kicked lying down. He tried not to show it as he nodded his agreement, feeling Minho do the same by his side.

"The reason I called you here today, is because since you left. The stage has felt different" JYP continued looking seriously at them "-I want to give you another chance. I want to see seven members against nine, and then perhaps have you back."

Felix's head started to spin. He finally found the courage to look up from the table. His head began pounding in his chest, and he was scared that he wouldn't be able to hear the next words over it.

"But, you need to remember that if I decide on going with seven members, you'll have to live through the pain again" JYP reminded them, looking as stern as ever.

Felix and Minho both nodded eagerly. Both more than willing to take that risk.

"But-" JYP stated, making both of the boys look nervous again. "-You will have to work hard. I still believe in the reasons why I eliminated you. You both need to improve, so you really need to start working harder."

Felix nodded seriously, feeling the frustration meld together with the excitement in his body. He was working hard. If he didn't work hard before, he no longer knew what that word meant- but then again; JYP also told him his Korean was bad. He would just have to work even harder, whatever that meant. Hyunjin certainly seemed to feel the same. At that thought Felix straightened up. He could do it. He was sure he could do it.


The others guy's reaction was more than he had hoped for. The pure happiness in their eyes as they were told the good news, followed by the hugs when JYP left them, made him excited and even more determined. His smile faltered as his gaze met Hyunjin's. The taller boy was looking at him, but not with the anger that he had held since Felix's elimination. Now he looked... frustrated or perhaps sad.

Felix breathed in his courage before carefully stepping up to him, afraid of the rejection he had received the last time he tried.


Hyunjin just looked at him, indicating that he was listening.

Felix swallowed dryly before continuing. "Can we talk?"

He knew that the other guys were listening, but in their honour they did their best to seem focused on Minho.

Hyunjin looked down at the other a second, before nodding. Without a word he moved towards the door. Felix took a deep breath before following him silently. He felt very little as he moved past the others and stepped out of the room. He carefully closed the door behind him before finding the courage to look up at Hyunjin who had stopped by the wall.

Felix didn't know what to say then, looking up at the taller member. He didn't look angry anymore, not even frustrated. He almost looked shy.

But Felix didn't have to say anything. Before he even remembered how to open his mouth, Hyunjin had spoken.

"I know what you want to talk about, and I'm sorry" he said in a very rusty English.

Felix looked at him in surprise. "No, I am sorry. I clearly disappointed you" he answered slowly, making sure that Hyunjin understood him.

Hyunjin shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest. "No, it wasn't fair that I got mad at you. I..." he seemed to struggle to find the words, but if it was because of the foreign language or the fact that he was nervous, Felix didn't know.

He held his breath waiting for him to continue.

"I was just so sad when I thought I had lost you. I don't want you to go" he finally admitted.

Felix had no words, neither in English or Korean, to describe the feelings blossoming in his chest. He felt the familiar smile spread on his lips as he looked at the other. Hyunjin nervously met his gaze and a slight blush crept to his cheeks at the sight of the happiness on the others face.

"Really?" Felix asked hopefully.

Hyunjin nodded. "I guess it was just easier being mad at you."

Felix couldn't control his happiness as he basically jumped into the others arms as an overexcited puppy. Hyunjin pulled him closer with a nervous chuckle.

"And I do think you're an excellent dancer, despite what I indicated earlier" he mumbled, giving up on the English and instead speaking Korean again.

"But I can be better" Felix answered, burying his face in the others shoulder. "-I'll be better, so I can stay."

"I'll help" Hyunjin stated.

Felix could feel him nod stubbornly above him.

"From now on, no more English. We'll only speak Korean Yongbok!"

Felix could only smile. He felt better times coming. 


Thanks for reading and- spoiler alert- Felix is mistaking, because I am evil and can't write happy stories. Hyunlix and sad times are coming up.

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