"You did it, Elena," Laura said proudly. "Your book finally saw the light." 

Elena herself didn't believe in herself at some point. But here she is with a finished work that will be released in a few hours. And then there is that monster that finally freed her. Felix Ivanov is gone, and god she prayed it will be for forever.  

Her eyes fluttered in tiredness but a small smile formed on her lips. She really did it. And she is a free woman. Standing off the big leather chair, she noticed other people in the salon gazing at her. An old lady with white platinum hair moved forward, "Are you an actress, deary?" 

The question caught Elena off guard. Does she look like an actress? She gently shook her head in denial. "No, I'm not." 

The old lady's eyes wrinkled as she smiled, "Well, I apologize. I thought a beautiful lady like you will certainly be a celebrity." 

Elena's eyes lit with amusement as the woman stepped forward and reached for her hand. Her wrinkled hand cupped hers. "A broken heart will be mended soon, and the lover you are waiting for is coming back," the woman's voice whispered. Her eyes remained blank and then she snapped and looked at Elena lovingly. 

Shivers ran down her spine at the ringing of the old woman's words. Her hands were abandoned by the warmth that occupied them moments ago. The old woman simply walked away leaving the salon. 

"umm, that was weird. What did she say?" Laura asked. 

"I have no idea." Elena dumpily responded. She snapped to look at her hand watch. It was 5 PM. Walking out of the place along with Laura. The sky was nearly crowded with clouds. "Shit!" Elena cursed under her breath. 

"Well, this is bad news," Laura murmured in annoyance. They really can't afford to get their hair ruined while they have an important event to attend. "We will make it on time. I parked my car near. Let's pray that it doesn't rain, at this exact moment." Elena voiced in optimistic. 

Their hike to the car was nearly three minutes. The instant they got in the car, both Elena and Laura sighed in relief. "Thank god," Elena said while turning on the car. Her phone rang, notifying a message.  

Slenderly, her fingers tapped opening the new message.  

'I'm on my way' 

"Why are you smiling like an idiot?" Laura questioned fastening her seat belt. 

"It's Eric. He is coming," Elena's smile remained on her lips. Eric after all was a great support to her through the dark times that she had been through, and without him and Laura god knows in what condition she would be in now. 

He is still in love with her and she knows that. She loves him too but not in the same way and he knows that. Even after becoming a famous soccer player, he still manages to have time for her instead of training for his matches. 

"Is it not time to move on, Elena?" Laura's tone came low, laced with weariness. Elena's hand clenched around the steering wheel as she took a turn. Her eyes remained locked on the road as she drove to her father's bookstore. 

I can't. She answered silently while her friend's question hung in the air unanswered. 

Her father's bookstore came into view as she parked her car in front of its big wood door. There were many other cars parked as well. Getting out of the car, she marched through the staff door. 

Smoothing her blue dress that hugged her body, she obviously gained a little bit of weight those last three years. Her cheeks were fuller than before. Reapplying her nude lipstick, she smacked her lips together. 

Standing still, she took a couple of deep breaths trying to calm her anxiousness. Another ring from her phone. Eric is finally here and that made her calm a little bit. Her hands rested on the back door handle for a second before she finally open it. 

Her publishing house employees are arranging the last stack of books on a side table. Walking towards them, her heels clicked catching the attention of some people. Masking her lips with a smile, she greeted a bunch of journalists and reporters. 

Having a conversation with them seemed like torture, for they are asking about the ending of her book to write about it. And She won't give them spoilers to publish around in their magazines, but they seem too dumb to get it. 

"I'm sorry. It's a stupid act for someone to spoil his book for readers, if I do that who is going to read my book?" Elena sternly stated trying to sound polite. Her eyes lit when she met Eric entering the place. 

"Excuse me." She nearly ran to Eric, embracing him in a hug. He nearly left her off the ground since he stood a foot taller than her. His blonde hair was neatly brushed. His gray suit portrays his well-built body. 

"Wow, your book is looking great stacked everywhere. You did it, Elena," Eric said caressing her arms, gazing at her lovingly. "And you look gorgeous by the way," Elena smiled before she added. "Girls can't stop staring at you." 

His laugh rang along with a flush that painted his cheeks. A tiny compliment from her turns his face a bright shade of red and he knows that she loved him but not in the same way that he wished for. 

What Elena doesn't know is that there was a witness to her sincere and warm encounter with Eric. He stood in a dark corner unnoticed, his eyes masked with black sunglasses. His hands clenched at his side. She moved on. So what? What did you expect? Adam's eyebrow arched in distaste. 

He leaned further to a bookshelf for support because suddenly he felt dizzy looking at her in the arms of another man. She looked different to him. Her body changed, it became a body of a woman. Her cheeks are fuller. Her hair was taller than before. His eyes kept mesmerizing everything in her as if she isn't real. 

She stood on a small stage, a microphone in her shaky hands. Her gaze scanned the bookstore, making him still in his place in the shadows. She seems to notice his figure but then her eyes recenter towards the crowd. 

"Thank you all for coming today. As much as writing sounds easy, it is not a simple procedure. 'A Cup of Stars' took two years to see the light. But it was worth every single second of the work I put into it. And I would like to thank my editors for being patient, Laura for pushing me to write whenever she finds me free, and Eric who wiped my tears whenever I'm having a breakdown. Thank you! because without you guys I won't be here today." 

After her short speech, clapping applause from the audience rang through the place. But Adam's headache seemed to increase. He wiped her tears. He was there for her and I wasn't

Descending from the stage, Elena anxiously shook hands with a bunch of people who showered her with their congratulations. She was beaming and glowing like a star, and Adam couldn't stop the bitter smile that curled his lips. 

"It's signing time," a man lowly spoke to Elena. She nodded, following him to a huge mahogany desk that belonged to her mother. Seating herself on a chair, her fingers snaked around her pen. 

At that moment he decided to leave his place in the shadows and stepped forward in the line of people. Few gave him suspicious looks while others seemed to recognize him but can't join the dots as to why Adam Rutherford is here. 

She didn't notice him until it was his turn. She reached for a book from the stack, her eyes remained on the book as she opened it. "Your name, sir?" 

"Adam," he slowly said pressing on each syllable of his name. 

Her smile disappeared along with her hand that stopped midway on the first page. The identity of the man standing in front of her is no mystery because this voice belongs to the man she was once married to, but she refuses to look up. And then she does. 


Helllloooooo, Lovely readers. I'm back after a long absence. I know, I know, I haven't given you guys an update for so long. I apologize because honestly I had writer's block, and barely knew what to write. But your girl is here again. So, what do you think about this chapter? What are your expectations for the reunion? Please let me know. Vote and comment, please. 

Love ya 💕  

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