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Chapter 1

Grians mind was raceing he was now engaged with king scar and only gets told a day befor he has to leave to king scars kingdom.

Grian new he was probably going get into arranged marriage because he was not taking the throne to his kingdom his older sister Pearl was.

He was in the carriage that was taking him to king scar kingdom he really didn't want to marry that man but he really had no choice.
What he knew about scar that he is 27 and took the throne late last year he was very young to take throne.

Befor Scar took the throne he and Grians family's and kingdom's had many disputes befor hand and to now have an arranged marriage to have an alliance between there kingdoms,
this was going to be his first time meeting scar for god sake he does not even know what the man looks like.

After a while he zone out and next thing he knows was that the carriage stop moving and the carriage door opend. How long was he zooned out for. " Prince Grian we have arrived at the elven kingdom" some servant who took him to king scar castle said then leading a hand out to help.

Grian went up to the door where some guards where place and with them where two other men. "Oh you must be Prince Grian" one of the men say he was tall with suit on, dark black hair and had a moustache, and a shorter man with brown hair and a cheeky look on his face. "Yes and you can just call me Grian no need to be to formal" grian said to the tall man they must be part of scars Council."well i'm Mumbo-jumbo but please just call me Mumbo and this is Bdubs where part of kings scar council". Grian was right.

"Well let us take you to king scar shell we" mumbo announced to them. he followed mumbo and bdubs into the castle it was much bigger in the inside then he thought it was alot bigger the his home kingdom castle
But something felt weird about this place there where servants but the servants seem a bit off, oh well he shocked it off after a bit.

They made it to king scar office and open the door to find king scar. "Scar Prince grian has arrived" mumbo told him and when he did bdubs and mumbo both left. Well this was awkward he was left with King scar soon to be husband. Grian just stared at king scar, well king scar was quite handsome he had long hair that was tid half up half down with scars along his face one quite noticeable one go form top of his right eye down his nose then his left chin and down his neck and disappeared below his clothes.

Scar had elven ear well he was the elven king but the weird thing was scar had deep red eyes that gave off a weird vibe. But he was wearing a green elven suit that had a high collar with a green gem onit.

"Oh well welcome Grian you must off had a long trip how about i show you to your room and then we go down for dinner together i have finished most off my work today" King scar said to him. "Well that sounds good king scar" Grian was even more nervous know scar was a very handsome person and he a bit relieved but that didn't change his mind about not wanting to marry him.

Scar smiled at grian "well shell we" scar stood walking to grian laying a hand on his back. "By the way no need to be so formal just call me scar" Scar says so confidently with a warm smile.

"This will be your room well befor are wedding, my room the one right next to yours" scar pointed to his room. "Will we not be sharing a room befor the wedding?" grian question." Oh well i thought you would prefer your own room well if you want we can share my room?" Scar said."oh well i would prefer my own room right now but-"

A small laugh came from Scar "hmm i know i also prefer my own untill i get to know more about you Prince grian" Scar said with a grin on his face. Some how that made grian face get all red.

The two of them left to the dining hall after getting seated and the two of them end up chatting for a while. Grian was surprised King Scar was a very nice man they talk about there kingdoms and what scar had plans for. And well he did tell grian about his plan for a party soon with other kingdoms what made grian more glad nowing he will get to see his older sister befor the wedding.

"Well Grian that was very nice, mind joing me on a walk in the gardens" scad said getting up and held out a hand "may i" scar said again. Grian took Scar hand "well don't mind if i do"

Scar lead them to one of gardens the kingdom has to offer."the garden here are all ways better at night" scar says with a warm smile. Grians feathers of his red wings, grian look back into Scars crimson red eyes realising scar looking at his wings."Grian your wings are beautiful in the night" he said smiling.

(Thank you for reading sorry if there's spelling mistakes this is my first fic i don't really now what I'm going to do with it but i have a rough idea.)


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