"mhm, there are a lot of bullies here."

"so many bullies, it's crazy." lucas says.

"is that why you're wearing proton packs?" y/n teases.

"well- these don't function, but.." dustin smiles. "i do have this handy-dandy little trap here."

he gets out something from his costume.

"and look, it even opens and closes." dustin continues, and presses a button to make it open and close.

"it's cool, right?" dustin asks.

max and y/n just glared at them with a straight face.

"no? okay. but, um, we were talking last night," dustin tells her. "and you guys are new here, so you probably don't have any friends to take you trick or treating. and you're scared of bullies, so we were thinking that it would be okay for you to come with us."

"it'd be okay?" max asks sarcastically, not impressed.

"yeah, our party's a democracy, and the majority voted you both could come." dustin replies with enthusiasm in his voice.

"i didn't realize it was such an honor to go trick-or-treating with you." y/n jokes as she gives him a sarcastic smile.

"yeah, i mean, we know where to get the full sized candy bars." dustin brags. "we figure you'd want in."

"that's presumptuous of you." y/n says with a blank expression.

"yeah.. totally. so you'll come?" dustin asks.

y/n rolls her eyes, closes her locker, then started walking away, max following behind her.

"we're meeting at the maple street cul-de-sac at seven o'clock." dustin says as they both walk away. "that's seven on the dot!"

"presumptuous." dustin says, impressed with himself.

"that's a good thing, right?" dustin asks lucas, as he furrowed his brows.

lucas glared, at him, inhaled deeply, then just walked away as he scoffed.

"is it bad?" dustin eagerly asks as he chased lucas. "is it bad? lucas, son of a bitch! is it bad?!"

y/n and max continued walking through the hallway.

"oh god, can you believe they tried to get us to go trick or treating with them?" y/n cringed.

"maybe we should go." max suggested. "i mean, we have no other plans anyway."

"i mean," y/n thought about it. "i guess you're right."


max and y/n skated over to billy's car, to find billy waiting for them.

the two girls got off their board, and stepped on the nose of the board, so it could lift up, then they grabbed their boards.

"you're both late again." billy reminded them.

defensive -  mike wheelerWhere stories live. Discover now