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Absolute silence fell.
Even the crying of her daughter tapered off.
In the silence, both Artemis and Rhys stood just beyond Feyre's body. Artemis could feel the shock flow through Rhysand's body, but she didn't dare try to comfort him.

Tamlin shifted back into his fae form as he hurried over to Feyre and crashed to his knees. He picked up Feyre's limp and broken body. A sob broke from Tamlin as she rocked Feyre and stroked her hair. From beside Artemis Lucien breathed out his denial. Artemis felt more tears fall from her cheeks as the High Lord of the Autumn Court approached Tamlin.

The High Lord extended a clenched hand. He then opened his hand, palm down, and a glittering spark slowly drifted from his hand to Feyre's body. A fraction of his own magic. Then, one by one, the High Lords approached Feyre and mimicked the action. First, it was the High Lord of the Summer Court, with his deep brown skin and white-blonde hair. Then it was the High Lord of Winter. A pale male with a crown of shimmering ice.

Dawn and Day came close with an equal amount of golden light and smiled sadly at Tamlin before they too walked away. Once the rest of the High Lords stepped back, Rhysand pulled in a shaking breath as he stepped forward. Tamlin looked up at him and with so much sadness, Rhysand spoke.
"For what she gave. We'll bestow what our predecessors have granted too few before." Rhys paused collecting his voice to keep from breaking. "This makes us even."

Rhys then opened his hand and let a slightly larger seed of light fall onto Feyre's body. Rhys stepped back to Artemis and wrapped his hand around her body. He squeezed tightly to his sister but didn't look down at her as Tamlin laid his hand on Feyre's heart.

Artemis saw Tamlin's power flair and it was quiet in the room. Everyone held their breath and a few moments later, Feyre's body started to twitch. Her head slowly shifted back into place and it seemed that her other bones were healing. Once the last of her bones were done setting, the other changes started. Feyre's ears had elongated into the shape of the fae, and her skin began to shine with light. The magic that was gifted to her, changed the brave and daring human into a powerful High Fae.

Once the changes had set, air filled Feyre's chest and she pulled in a deep gasp. She slowly blinked away the light above her and let out a groan. She went to move to stand, but she paused when she caught sight of her hands. She finally stood from the ground and marveled at the new body she could see. Though, when she pulled in a breath, her entire body went rigid.

"It was the only way we could save you." Tamlin's voice was soft.
But Feyre didn't look to him, instead, she looked to the wall and her hand rose to her throat. Feyre first looked to Clare's body, then to Amarantha directly below the decayed human. Feyre slowly let out a breath before she shook her head.

"Are you—"
"See for yourself." Feyre kept her eyes to the ground as she turned. She eyed the golden mask, once on Tamlin's face, that was on the ground.
"Feyre." Tamlin took Feyre's chin in a cupped hand and tilted her face to his.
For a moment, Feyre took in every inch of Tamlin's face. As she did, Rhys let out a single breath and gripped onto Artemis a bit tighter; as if he needed the support.

Feyre put a hand to Tamlin's heart, and that seemed to be too much for Rhys. The High Lord kept his grip on Artemis as he winnowed the three of them to his room. And the moment they were alone, Rhys pushed from Artemis and started his pace around the room. He pulled in and let out deep breaths and he would occasionally wipe his face of tears.

Artemis knew what this was about. She let her brother pace as she bounced Vyta in her arms to get her to quiet her whimpering. Soon, Rhys was finally able to sit on the couch and ran his hands through his hair. Artemis had gotten Vyta to sleep and she sat on the low table before her brother.

Rhys huffed a breath before he looked up to his sister. His eyes were rimmed with red.
"When she snapped her neck." He pulled in a breath. "It felt like my soul was being ripped from my body." He shook his head. "You were right."
Artemis wanted to scoff, but she only set a hand on Rhys's arm. "She's alive, Rhys."

Rhys took Artemis's hand in both of his and put it to his forehead.
"Your mate is alive."
Rhys let out a shuttering breath before he finally let the sob wrack through his body.


When Artemis's feet landed on the familiar veranda, she felt nervousness in her belly. They had spent days gathering up their strength to winnow all the way home. And once they landed in Velaris, Artemis nearly broke down crying. 

When they had first landed; they were near their townhomes in the heart of the city. Though when they looked up at the House of Wind, they knew that their family was there. Rhys had made sure both Vyta and Artemis were secure in his hold as he gently took to the skies.

Rhys had gently set Artemis on her feet, but before they went inside, she felt a shift in her back. When they first entered the Mountain, Artemis had her wings on display. And for the next forty-nine years, she wasn't able to hide them again. But at this moment, on top of her home, she was able to square her shoulders and let her wings disappear from view. With the weight of them gone, she stumbled a bit, but she let out a deep sigh of relief.

Rhys saw the relief flood Artemis's face and he let out a smile. Then, without saying a word, he took the few steps to the doors of the veranda. Artemis let out a nervous breath as he pulled them open. The moment the doors opened; Artemis could see familiar faces turning toward them. 

As the siblings slowly strode inside, it was Cassian and Azriel that stood. Each one of the members of her family had a mixture of shock and relief and joy on their faces. But it was one face in particular that nearly made Artemis fall to her knees and weep.

The dark-haired male that slowly stood behind Cassian had more shock than anything on his face. Artemis pulled in a gasp when he stood at Cassian's height. Tears welled in her eyes and were quick to fall to her cheeks. Nobody said a word as Artemis and the male slowly stepped toward each other. They both paused a few feet from each other. Artemis let her chin waver as her face turned to a teary smile.

The male let his expression shift as if he was having to keep his own tears from his face. Artemis took in the male before her. His deep black hair shone in the dying sunlight and the silver of his eyes was something that Artemis wanted to look into forever. He was dressed in Illyrian leather pants and a simple black shirt. Large, leathery wings peeked from behind his shoulders.

He seemed to do the same with Artemis; taking in her appearance and features. Then, his face finally scrunched in a soft cry. A near whimper came from his lips as he swallowed deeply.

Artemis's chin quivered as more tears fell from her eyes. She swallowed to keep herself from fully breaking. "Hello, Aesyr." Artemis looked up at her son and finally, forty-nine years of longing flooded her. "I'm home." 

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