The Human

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It hadn't been more than three days after the incident at Windhaven, but Artemis was now on the streets of Velaris smiling and wishing luck to every child she saw. She even got permission from most to hug them. Each hug only lasted a few moments, but Artemis cherished each second. Before Windhaven, Artemis loved the greet and play with the children of Velaris, now she had a simmering hole in her heart whenever she hugged a child. She didn't feel quite as whole as she used to.

The chill of the wind cut Artemis's walk short and she found her way to her townhouse just next to Rhysand's. When she opened the door, a fire immediately started in the fireplace, quickly filling the house with warmth. Artemis shed her jacket and hung it next to the door. Under she wore an olive-green sweater that she had bought at a shop in the Palace of Thread and Jewels and her Illyrian leather pants.

She settled into the house by making some tea. Just as she was about to sit on the couch with a book, there was a knock on the front door. She narrowed her eyes when she took in Cassian's scent. She set the mug of tea on the table and quickly answered the door. There, standing with a box of biscuits, was the Illyrian general. Artemis let a smirk cross her features.

"Oh, are those for me? How thoughtful."

Cass pulled the box back into his body and scowled. "You can have one when you let me inside. I'm freezing my balls off."

The only way that Cassian could be that cold was...

"Have you been following me all day?"

Cassian furrowed his brows. "I'm not able to conjure warmth like the siblings of the Night Court."

Artemis let out a snort and took a side step. Cassian hurriedly slipped into the townhome and to the fire. He simply held out the box and looked down at her.

"You haven't eaten today."

Artemis took the box and smiled. She sat down on the couch and took out a biscuit.

"Why are you following me?"

Cassian warmed his hands in the fire but didn't say a word.

Artemis finished her bite and swallowed. "This stalking, does it have anything to do with something that happened up at the House?"

Cassian shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket and slowly turned to face her.

"I wanted to see how you would react after."

Artemis let out a long breath and slowly stood. "Cass."

Again, Artemis didn't have any words. Cassian took a step forward and when Artemis didn't step back the Illyrian general let out the smallest of smiles.

"I could and should apologize every day for the rest of my existence."

Artemis shook her head. "You don't have to."

Cassian's face flattened. "Not only did I touch a female's wing without permission, I touched a Lady's wing without permission. The consequences of that is—"

Artemis held up a hand and Cassian ceased his warning. Artemis lowered her hand and shook her head.

"You don't have to worry about any of that."

There was something in Artemis's violet eyes that made Cassian take another step forward.

"And why is that?"

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