
Start from the beginning

"If only you could see yourself through my eyes," Stefan whispered, believing she wouldn't be able to hear his comment. Despite her rising exhaustion, she slightly smiled at his remark, not mentioning anything in response. Unintentionally leaning toward him, the past few days had finally caught up with her. He caught her before she could tip over the edge — her signature scent lending him comfort.

He rested his chin on her head cautiously, wanting her to catch up on the rest she desperately needed. Though they weren't officially back together, he knew he would wait for her as long as it took.

Madeline Saltzman was someone he would wait more than a million years for.

Mornings were the hardest part for Madeline. She would wake up from a dream just to be put into the start of another nightmare. She hated it. She didn't enjoy hating many things. Her dad used to say it would eventually consume her, taking her down with the source of that animosity.

Faltering, she lifted her head from her pillow, processing the perfect dream she just experienced. To get her mind off it, she checked my phone, wiping off the lone tear trailing down her face.

55 voicemails from Caroline and 12 from Bonnie.

Of course. What else did she expect? She felt my lips wanting to smile, but she didn't have the energy for it. Concerned, she called her back, her voice instantly emerging from the other end of the call. "Get to the kitchen, Mads. I got sick of waiting for a call, so I kinda broke in."

"Kinda?" she inquired, letting out a breathy laugh.

"Well, I was really polite about it. I locked the door behind me and everything." Caroline said, growing impatient. Maddie knew she could hear her get out of bed and hang up the phone. Beyond nervous, she wandered down the stairs, greeted by a warm smile and some perfectly styled blonde hair.

Nearly tackled to the ground, Caroline commenced her addicting bear hugs. It was one of those hugs that Maddie wanted to last forever. Beneath the blonde's smile was a phenomenal world of everlasting optimism. With all the bullshit they were forced to deal with, the redhead didn't understand how she hadn't snapped yet.

"I missed you so much," Caroline whispered, joyous tears falling down her cheeks. As she pulled back, Mads could tell her own salty tears of exhilaration were arriving. She opened her mouth to apologize. Almost as if she knew what Mads wanted to say, Caroline shushed her, placing a finger against her lips.

"If I hear an apology fall out of your mouth, I will snap," Caroline said, shaking her head no.

"Why are you crying?" she said, processing the tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I just missed you. You're crying too!" Caroline said.

"Am I?" Stunned, she touched her skin, realizing the blonde was right. "Oh, shit. I am."

"I guess you missed me too." Caroline smiled.

She smiled. "I guess so." Done with the bathroom, Bonnie wandered out of the room, looking over the staircase. She gasped, smiling widely when she saw Maddie. Proving that she wasn't in a dream, she scurried down the steps and into her friend's arms, chuckling in relief. "Hey, Bon."

"Mads," Bonnie said, exchanging a look with the blonde that revealed the mixture of emotions she was feeling — relief and elation. "How are you?"

"I'm hanging in there." Madeline sighed. "I just want everything back to normal."

"Well, Miss Mystic Falls is today," Bonnie suggested.

"Anything but that," Madeline joked, shaking her head.

𝐀𝐒 𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 ༄ 𝗦. 𝗦𝗔𝗟𝗩𝗔𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗘 ²︎Where stories live. Discover now