Chapter 30 - Private things

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The morning of the next day, after breakfast, Leon and Anika both took Adelaide to her nursery school. This was the second time Anika had come to this school. The first was when they enrolled the little girl.

Little Adelaide held both of her parents' hands on hers and was skipping happily towards the school. Her class homeroom teacher was waiting by the gate to greet her pupils and their parents.

"Good morning, teacher!" Adelaide happily greeted.

The teacher turned to her and patted her little head.

"Good morning, Adelaide." She greeted. She turned to Leon and Anika and also greeted them politely.

Anika smiled softly at the teacher. She looked fascinatingly at her guiding and teaching her students.

"Goodbye, Mommy, Daddy!" Adelaide happily bid farewell. She was always excited to come to school, a great contrast to some kindergarteners who were crying and clamoring in their mother's arms.

Anika's attention was caught by her daughter, and she bent down to plant a kiss on her cheeks.

Leon also hugged his daughter softly and reminded.

"Be good, okay?"

Adelaide nodded obediently and then followed her friends inside the school.

"So this is Adelaide's mother, you're very beautiful, Ma'am," The teacher turned to talk to Anika and praised her sincerely.

Anika heard this and blushed slightly, and could only smile at her, sticking close to Leon embarrassedly.

The teacher looked at the innocent and shy woman before her. She could hardly believe she was already a mother. So young..

She turned to the imposing and mighty man beside her.

Well, it takes a powerful man to maintain and spoil his wife to this extent of innocence.
The teacher sighed in her heart.

"Well, Mr. and Mrs. Albrecht, we will have a parent meeting tomorrow, we hope you can come," The teacher informed them. She was specifically standing by the gate to greet the parents and remind them of the meeting tomorrow.

Leon held his little wife's hand and smiled assuredly at her. He then turned to the teacher and nodded understandingly.

"I see, Teacher Daisy. We'll be there," He said positively to her.

Teacher Daisy nodded at her and said more pleasantries before going back to greeting the parents who were arriving.

Leon then took Anika to leave, walking back to the gate. There were many parents they met on the way, and they greeted cheerfully. This nursery can also be called an aristocratic school as kids from high-class family in the society studies here.

And the parents with flattering greetings and smiles, obviously knew the prestige of this excellent young man from the Albrecht family. They can't wait to jump on his boat.

But Leon only nodded and greeted lukewarmly. He didn't want his daughter's place of study to be stained by business matters, and he was still with his wife. So, he didn't spend long and led Anika out.

Throughout the encounter, Anika was quietly standing beside Leon, being uncomfortable at the staring of the people and overly friendly greeting. Leon obviously knew this and took her to leave.

Their guards were waiting by the gate, and many pupils and parents come and go.

"I'll take you to the company today, would you like to?" Leon asked Anika while they were walking out.

Anika's eyes brightened when she heard this.

"Really?" She was at home most of the time and was always curious about where Leon was going. He said he was working at the company. Now he will show it to her, and she was inexplicably excited.

Leon saw her enthusiasm and was guilty in his heart. He promised to take her out more, but he was very busy recently, causing her to remain enclosed in the mansion.

He sighed.

"Of course. I will supervise your learning, okay?" He told her gently.

Anika smiled at him and nodded.

She then pulled on her dress uncomfortably. She was used to her cool white dress, and at home these days she was dressed in comfortable home clothes. She was still not used to the complicated designs of dresses today, like the one she was wearing now.

She finally tugged on Leon's hand that was holding hers.

"Husband, itchy," She pulled on her dress again and tiptoed to reach his ears affectionately. Whenever she felt weird on her chest, her husband would rub it for her, making her comfortable. So, her first reaction was to ask him for it.

Leon immediately stopped and pressed down her hand. His cold eyes flew to people around them.

"Baby, hold on.." He then whispered helplessly at her.

Anika blinked innocently at him. Leon once again realized his poor girl still doesn't know about private and public matters.

He could only whisper coaxingly at her until they arrived at the car. He opened the door and led her inside.

His eyes glanced at the driver before pressing a button to close the partition of the car.
Leon turned to Anika and helplessly hugged her to his lap.

"Hey baby, listen.." He whispered softly, gathering Anika's hair gently at the back of her shoulder.

"We shouldn't do private things that couples do outside, okay?" He added, looking down at her small frame in his arms while pinching her small chin.

"Private things?" Anika echoed, a bit confused.

Leon hooked the sides of his lips and dropped a kiss on her forehead.

"Yes, intimate things like kissing and rubbing.." He whispered ambiguously. He wanted this to be a serious talk, but he really couldn't help himself whenever she was stuck with him.

"But.. we kiss Adie always outside?" She asked doubtfully.

'Why can't we kiss then?' Her innocent mind questioned.

Leon heard this, and his hand caressing her hair stopped and was stumped for a while. His clever girl knows to reason out.

Leon smiled amusedly and dropped a kiss on her cherry soft lips.

"Okay, we can kiss. But more intimate things, we shouldn't do it, alright?" He compromised, his hand caressing down to her legs as if making a point.

He had no problem showing his affection to her in public, but he didn't like people seeing her lovely and blooming expression of love. Only he could see it.

"And we should keep ourselves covered outside, okay? Let's wait when we're alone, it's our secret thing," He whispered lowly in her ear, his hand hovering on her chest.

Anika blushed and looked up at him. His and her secret. Only them.

She likes that.

Finally, Anika nodded.

"Our secret," She whispered back, her arms circling on his neck.

Leon's eyes filled with satisfaction. He then looked at her chest.

"It's itchy? Want me to rub it for you?"

His hand entered her dress and palmed her mound.

"Itchy.." Anika nodded and straightened her chest to him.

Leon smiled sexily.

The car continued to drive down the road, while the situation inside was locked out from the outside world. 

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