Part 7

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"This is really unnecessary." Cale complained, although not all that strongly, as he felt Roksu's calloused but gentle hands massaging his back. He was flattened on the bed after being seen to by a healer and receiving only the highest quality potions and quite thoroughly bathed. The crown prince was seated nearby, fully dressed and back to looking stuffy and anxious. "We're supposed to be finding out what you like, not giving me a back rub." Cale rolled his eyes.

"What if I like touching you?" Roksu replied, his tone far too straightforward to be understood as truth or sarcasm. Cale felt that embarrassing shy feeling crawling up from his gut regardless.

So he redirected his energy on someone he could push around. "What about you? Don't tell me you like to watch, fucker?" Cale asked nastily, being rewarded by a heated blush upon the prince's cheeks.

"I'm thinking." Alberu said simply. He made no attempt to approach the pair. Cale sighed.

"You're over thinking, idiot." He said harshly. "Which is precisely how you nearly fucked us over to begin with. Get your ass over here."

Alberu hesitated for only a moment before he nodded and approached the bed. "I don't think we should do anything today... You're only just recovering..."

Cale snorted and rolled over so that he was facing Roksu, pulling the surprised redhead down by the collar and planting a soft kiss on his lips. He was gratified to feel Roksu immediately relax against his lips and return the kiss in his sweet but inexperienced way.

Cale indulged for a moment before pushing him away and turning his attention back to Alberu with a cocked eyebrow. "There are plenty of ways to figure out what we like that aren't rough or painful. You lack imagination, fucker." A twisted smirk overtook Cale's face and he sat up, pulling Roksu down so that he was seated on the bed and practically crawling in his lap. "In fact, I have just the idea that might suit you both."

"Weren't you going to wait to see what we wanted to do?" Roksu asked with an amused glint in his eyes.

Cale scoffed and turned to the hesitant prince sharply. "If I wait for you idiots, I'll be old before this is settled." Cale grabbed hold of Alberu's collar and pulled him closer, pressing his forehead against the prince's. "You said you didn't wanna strain us, yea?"

Alberu felt somewhat like he was falling into a trap if he said yes. But there was something absolutely irresistible about the way that Cale so effortlessly took charge. If Alberu was entirely honest, he'd been wanting to touch the pair of them for some time now.

His finger itched to feel their skin again, this time in his right state of mind, but his sensibilities caused him to hesitate. There were all of his normal complaints about the ethics of possessing a harem to begin with but it was more than that.

Alberu realized far too late that he was nervous about sex.

He'd spent most of his life repressing any carnal desires and assuring himself that he had no need of such things. The danger of intimacy was simply too great. It was a cruel joke of fate that now he was very much in need of sex.

The fearful danger still thrummed in his heart as he remembered how closely aligned the bloodlust had been to his lust. If he hadn't been satiated sexually, there was absolutely no doubt that he wouldn't have been able to restrain himself. The thought alone sent chills down his spine.

But years of repression didn't vanish after only one passionate night and Alberu couldn't help but hold himself back from his desires.

It was a lucky thing for him that Cale Henituse appeared to be allergic to the mere concept of 'holding back'.

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