Part 6

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Alberu stared with growing horror at the ceiling above.

At his side, there were the sounds of two sleeping men. One was snoring gently and the others breathing tickled his ears.

Memories from last night, oh so horribly vivid memories from last night, danced behind his eyes. Mocking him and laughing at him. Despite having absolutely no control over himself and being driven by those urges, Alberu could remember it all.

It hadn't been someone else in his body. It had been him. Just a version of him with no self control and insatiable lust.

It was mortifying.

He was grateful that the two of them were able to take control of the situation, he didn't want to imagine a scenario where he came to his sense and there were both covered in injuries and fucked so roughly that pleasure was a distant memory and now all that was left was fear and pain. He'd underestimated the true terror of the curse.

He really was glad that they were resourceful enough to do so.


"C'mere, kitty. It's okay."

"Don't be so nice to him." A rough tug on his tail that resounded sharply through his body. "The fucker needs to know his place."

Gentle fingers kneading his head as a deep purring resounded from his chest unbidden. "You're scaring him. Shh..."

"That's the fucking point." A smirk danced on his lips as he raised up Alberu's chin to look at him. "Besides, the fucker likes it."

Mortifying. Plain and simple.

How could he erase last night from his memories for good? He didn't know how he could face anyone ever again after that.

Especially not the stirring man at his side.

Cale opened sharp eyes drowsily to look at him, tugging him over roughly by the collar and examining his eyes. "Back to your senses then, fucker?" He asked, all too shamelessly.

Alberu's cheeks flushed a dark maroon. He had rather vivid memories of this man–just, a variety of this man. So much so that the memories caused his nethers to stir pleasantly as though asking for more.


"Yes." He said awkwardly. "Thank you."

Cale smiled at him angelically and the expression caught him entirely off guard, making his already pounding heart squeeze strangely. "Good. I've been waiting." He said, his voice as sweet as the angels.

And then the former lout of Henituse territory quite shamelessly kicked the crown prince down off of the bed, standing over him with a thuggish sneer that made him feel like he was looking at the average drunken hooligan looking for a fight rather than the angel from a moment ago. His skin was covered in bites and marks showcasing exactly how rough the night before was and the third man in the bed was waking up behind him due to the commotion.

"Why the fuck didn't you warn us?" Cale demanded, fists clenched in a rather threatening matter. "What kind of fucking idiot are you?! If it's going to be dangerous you need to inform your partners, you fucking moron!"

"I thought I had more time." Alberu explained weakly, somehow feeling very small under the wrath of Cale Henituse. It was a weak and pathetic excuse and it wasn't even entirely true.

He'd been avoiding it.

He felt awkward and uncomfortable over the whole affair and he didn't want to face it, he'd almost hoped that the curse would just skip him so he'd never have to deal with it.

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