Chapter 04: Evidence

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"Sugawara-kun, what nii-san said about you that day, is it true?"

I sighed. We were in the pallet, me and Horikita I mean. She invited me for some reason and I was a bit flustered since she's the last person I was expecting to invite me somewhere, but I decided not to think much of it since I consider both of us friends, and friends invite each other to places am I correct?

"So?" She waited for my answer. I don't think hiding it from her is possible anymore so it's better if she knows the truth.

"What?" I played stupid.

"Don't give me that confused look, you know what I'm talking about." Horikita stood her ground.

I sighed, knowing she can literally see right through my bad lies.

"Yes, I scored a 100 in my entrance exams. Damn it I would've held back a bit if I knew this was gonna happen."

"..." She sat silent, unable to believe me.

"I don't blame you for not believing me, but you believe your nii-san don't you?" She just nodded, by this time I already knew she believed me but was still comprehending the fact that I'm simply a genius.

"You'll help me reach Class A." She responded. Where did that come from?

"I mean we're all aiming for Class A aren't we?"


"Horikita I know what you're trying to do, forcing me to help you reach Class A and if I refuse you'll share my secret to everyone. Just know that I return vengeance 10-fold."

She flinched for a second before answering.

"Learn to respect your elders."

"Huh? the difference is 1 year only, stop making it sound like you're 10 years older than me."

"Whatever you say."

"Let's go back, lunch break is finishing soon."

We walked back to the school which was really close to the pallet.

Just as I arrived at the classroom the PA began speaking, the voice was akin to Chabashira-sensei's voice, maybe it's actually her.

"Sugawara Machizane, please show up at the faculty office as soon as possible. I repeat, Sugawara Machizane—"

I started attracting the eyes of my classmates who thought I did something wrong. Even Ayanokoji-kun eyed me suspiciously.

I walked out of the classroom and headed to the faculty office, pondering about the reason as to why I was called. It wasn't long before I reached it, knocking the door I waited for someone to open it. Finally it was opened, but the individual that opened it was not Chabashira-sensei. It was a teacher I've never seen before.

"Uhh, Is Chabashira-sensei here?"

"Sae-chan! I just found a cute child outside, should we keep him??" The female teacher who looked as if she was in her 20s said loudly.

"Wha-" Before I got to finish my sentence I was pulled inside the faculty office by this weird teacher.

"You're so cute! I wanna pinch your cheeks!!!" She wasn't really pinching them, more like stretching them.

"Ouch! Sensei, stop."

"Hehe. Say, are you single~?"

Without noticing it, my cheeks turned red. Seriously, what the fuck is this teacher doing? She began laughing at my reaction which I assumed was just a tease.

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